Tomura Shigaraki x Ex-hero! Reader: Someone To Hold (Part 2)

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So here's the part two to the Shigaraki one shot I said I was gonna do. Shiggy is a little (very) ooc, I'm sorry. And also sorry it took so long.
It's currently almost 11pm where i am when I publish this. I haven't slept in god knows how long and this is how I spend my time.

You were seated in the back of a slightly-cramped van, arms crossed over your chest, trying not to nod off as your plan was explained to you for what seemed like the hundredth time today. It was just taking out a small group which posed a threat to the league.

You were half way to falling asleep when the van suddenly came to a harsh stop, almost throwing you into the wall where the drivers seat was. You stood up to see what was going on (aka, to yell at Spinner, who was driving you) and mere moments after you got to your feet, the doors at the back of the vehicle swung open. You didn't even get time for your eyes to adjust to the light before you and the others had to jump out, surrounded by heroes on all sides. You glanced at Shigaraki and he nodded once, giving you permission to fight.

One of the pros was the person who you used to work under, who sent you on the ridiculous mission to act as a spy, to become friends with and betray the members of the league of villains. You activated your quirk, your entire body glowing faintly. You knew that if this guy is to fight you with all he's got, then you're going down, but that doesn't mean that you were willing to give in straight away.

"What happened to you, [Y/N]? Why would you turn your back on us like you did? And to side with these monsters? I thought you were better than that. We had more hope for you, but I guess we were wrong." He said, causing you to glare as you heard your new friends being referred to as monsters.

You activated your quirk, the person in front of you beginning to float a little above the ground, feeling like they had a hand tightly gripped around their neck. That was until someone tackled you from behind. You looked over your shoulder as your arms were held behind your back, seeing another of the heroes who had snuck up on you to take you down. Unfortunately, your quirk meant you had to have full focus on your target, meaning you didn't see, or even hear the person behind you. You glared up at then with cold eyes as you dropped your ex-boss on the floor in front of you. They cuffed your hands behind your back before lifting you back up, the material of the cuffs making it so that you couldn't use your quirk.

You knew this meant that it was over for you, which caused you to start to panic a little. You didn't want to go back, you wanted to stay with the league, with Shigaraki. You turned your head to see Shigaraki watching with wide eyes, before finishing off the person in front of him, then trying to run toward you. Dabi held him back, and you smiled a little. You didn't want him to be captured as well.

"Let me go dammit! They can't take [Y/N] away from me! I won't let them!" Shigaraki yelled, and you looked back at him as you were being led into the back of a police van. You stopped walking for a moment once you stood inside the back of the vehicle, turning your body to face Shigaraki.

"Tenko." You said, your voice unusually calm despite knowing exactly what was happening. He silenced himself to listen to you, looking at you, seeming almost afraid of you being taken away from him. You smiled softly, hoping to perhaps calm him with a few words, even if you knew they weren't going to be truthful.

"I'll see you again some day, alright? When I get out, I'll return right to your side..." You said, and the doors of the van were closed just after. You could briefly see Tomura tearing up before your own eyes glazed over with tears.

Truth be told, you knew there was a chance you'd never be let free again, that you'd never be able to see him again... But a hopeful lie is better than the truth, right? You couldn't bear to tell him the truth..

That he'd probably forever lost his someone to hold...

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