Part Two

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Eliza awoke, a small pain in her head but it was softened by someone gently stroking her hair. "Mmmmmm...." She hummed softly with a small smile and her eyes still closed, her brain still trying to wake up.

"You're finally up." He commented, his voice soft but gruff, sounding like he'd just woken up not too long ago.

That's when things started to click in her head. She felt the sun on her skin and she immediately remembered the meeting she had to go to. She knew she couldn't afford to be late to that meeting, it was all the planning for the campaign trail and getting paired up with the people you'd be working. She sat up as fast as she possibly could, wincing a bit when she opened her eyes.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." she mumbled to herself getting up pulling the sheets with her to cover her body.

"What's wrong?" The man asked looking confused as she started searching, frantically for her clothes, which were scattered around the room.

"I just have to go, now, I have plans and I-"

"Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend."

"What? No, no of course not."

"Okay, good, so why are you in such a rush? I thought maybe we could have breakfast."

"I can't, I have somewhere to go." She replied as she pulled her pants.

"Alright, how about I give you my number-"

"No, uh, sorry but no." She replied. "Look you're a great guy but-"

"No, I get it." He said watching her pull her shirt over her head.

"Alright, well I suppose this is goodbye." She said picking up her purse putting her shoes, trying to check if she had everything.

"It doesn't have to be." He told her.

"Yes it does." She replied. "Bye..." She said again before leaving the room.

After leaving she looked up and down the hallway trying to asses where she was. It seemed to be an apartment building, Eliza had originally thought it was a hotel as it was only one room, but it would seem she was most definitely wrong. It didn't take her that long to figure out how to leave and once out of the apartment building she found she wasn't that far from the bar she'd been at the night before. Eliza put her sunglasses on shielding the sun from her eyes as she tried to hail a cab. Key word, 'tried', even though she was girl born and raised in New York City, she'd always found it difficult to hail a cab. She figured she wasn't loud enough, which didn't help when she live in such a loud city. But after about 15 minuets of her waving her arms around and calling out a cab finally stopped at the curb causing Eliza to sigh in relief.

"Thank you." She said as she got into the cab. "West 4th and Macdougal." She told him and with that the cabbie was off.

Eliza let herself relax as the cab moved through the traffic, sighing to herself coming to the realization she was going to be late. She hated being late, it was something she just felt uncomfortable being and now she would be. Not only did she just not like being late, she felt bad. They were being assigned partners today, people they were going being working with the whole campaign trial, what a first impression that would be and how awkward will there first meeting be. Whoever they were she just hoped they were understanding enough.


Eliza rushed into the building as she took off her sunglasses hoping she wasn't too late, she felt bad enough for just being late.

"I'm so so sorry I'm late." She said as she walked to the desk an apologetic look on her face.

"It's quite alright, and I'm assuming you're Eliza Schuyler?" The man asked standing up holding a clipboard.

"Yes, Yup, that's me." She said with a nod.

"Alright, you're partner has been waiting for you'll be working closely with Mr. Washington and his circle." He said as he started walking, Eliza following after him. "You'll be expected to attend all events and speeches, you will also be expected to go be ready to go on air and support him, can you do this?" He questioned.

"Yes, of course." She replied trying to seem more confident than she actually was.

"Good." He replied walking down a hall as Eliza looked down at her feet. "Ah here he is." The man said causing  Eliza to look, her eyes widening when she saw the man at the end of the hall, it was the man she slept with last night.

"Elizabeth Schuyler meet Alexander Hamilton, he will be your partner." said the man when they reached Alexander, Eliza sticking out her hand for a shake.

"Pleasure to meet you." She said her voice a bit meeker than usual as she could feel her nerves creeping in on her.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." Alexander replied taking her hand but instead of shaking it he planted a kiss on the back of her hand causing Eliza to flush light pink.

"Alright Alexander show her around I've got work to get back to." The man said rolling his eyes as he walked away, Eliza watching not wanting to look at Alexander.

"So you're Elizabeth Schuyler?" Alexander causing Eliza to look over but she refused to look at his face.

"Yes, yes I am." She replied.

"So is that why you didn't give a chance." He as if to coming some realization.

"What?" She asked confused at his statement.

"Your a senators daughter, you think you're too good for me." He explained causing Eliza to look right at him.

"You don't know what I think." She told him. "Plus I don't even known who you are, so how could I possibly make that assumption."

"Really? I thought women knew who I am."

"Well you certainly think of yourself very highly."

"Well judging from last night you think of me very highly as well." He replied causing Eliza to roll her eyes.

"Please just, lets go." Eliza said with a small sigh.

"As you wish." Alexander replied.

Word Count: 1035

Second chapter, wooo! Hope you all liked it, Next week I'm planning on posting two updates so that's exciting!

Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!

~ Eliiizzaaa!

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