Part Thirty Four

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E.Schuy Okay, I just want to get this out of the way. Yes I am pregnant, yes with Alexander Hamilton's child. I know some people might be very upset by this, I know some people might be overjoyed. Thank you to the people that care, but, it doesn't matter if you hate it or not. We love each other and this is our experience together. No we are not getting married, that's okay though, this is what we need at this point in time in /our/ life and you should respect that.

As of right now I am three months pregnant, and I don't know if I will continue to share my pregnancy or not. For now all I am saying is that I am indeed pregnant.


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Word Count: 137

So this is hella short, but, I have something planned soon! So just get ready for some fun stuff!

Anyways until next time have a wonderful morning/afternoon/ evening!

~ Eliiizzaaa

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