Part Seven

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It's been three weeks since they were in Manchester and surprisingly Alex and Eliza had started to get along. They still got into some fights, she still called him an idiot and he still referred to her as a spoiled brat when she pissed him off. But slowly they began to be able to have more real conversation with each other. They were listening to the other without interpreting by trying to tell the other their own point. In fact they'd been having a lot of friendly conversations, honestly enjoying each other's company.

It all started a few weeks ago, after Alexander's fiasco with Kitty.


Eliza breathed in the cool night air, enjoying the quiet she finally got to experience.

"What're you doing out here?" She heard a voice question.

"Well I was enjoying the quiet, what are you doing out here Alexander?" She asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the stars in the sky.

"I couldn't sleep, I thought some fresh air might help.."

"Oh... well, I think Kitty's looking for you." She told him, hoping that might get him to leave.

"Yes, I know, we've already talked..."

"Is that what they call it now?" She asked causing Alexander to roll his eyes.

"We didn't do anything, we actually talked."

"Sure..." Eliza said with sigh as she carefully sat up.

"What's your problem with me?"

"I'm not the one with the problem, you're the one who's been an ass ever since I said I didn't want your number."

"Well you're the one who thought you were too great to give me your number." He shot back.

"Wow..." was all Eliza said shaking her head a bit.


"Clearly, you've never been rejected."

"I've been rejected-"

"By a woman.."

"Well... I mean.."

"Awe, did I bruise your ego."

"Oh shut it." He mumbled.

"Look Alexander, I didn't mean to hurt you or anything... I really didn't but it just wasn't the right time.. you get that, right?"

"I suppose... I just thought that-"

"Because I grew up rich that I didn't like you because you didn't?"


"Well sorry to disappoint but I don't actually care about that."

"Then why were so rude to me, rolling your eyes and shit." He said causing Eliza to raise a brow.

"I only roll my eyes because you were not only an asshole to me and you flirt with practically everyone, its like you don't know how to have a meaningful connection."

"Well if you know so much, why don't you just teach me how to form a 'meaningful connection'?"

"Well maybe I will."

"Good." He replied.



"Well okay then, see you tomorrow..." he said as walked away finding himself a bit confused as to what just happened.


"Hey Alex I'm gonna go get lunch, you want to come with me?" Eliza  asked as she turned his chair towards her.

"Mmm, maybe But we still have a lot of research to get through.." he replied glancing up at her.

"Alexander you've been working for like 14 hours, you can take a break for lunch."

"I don't know Eliza, I just-"

"Okay, that's it." Eliza interrupted, closing his laptop. "You asked for my help, I'm helping you, lets go."

"How does me eating have anything to do with forming a meaning connection?" He asked giving her an annoyed look.

"Because if you're dead you can't do anything with anyone, now come on before I drag you out of the office."

Alexander rolled his eyes as he stood up. "Okay, Okay, I'm coming..." He said following behind her.


So I said I was gonna post yesterday, oops-

Anyways I hop you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless!

Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!

~ Eliiizzaaa!

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