Chapter 1

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"Pull harder!" Katherine exclaimed as she leant forward, holding on the the bed post tightly, bracing herself for the next tug. Caroline grasped the strings more tightly, then placing her foot on the small of her friend's back, she pulled with all her might. The fine boned corset was made of a pale, creamy satin, edged with lace.

"Ooff!" Katherine gasped as the last remaining air left her lungs. Straightening slowly she went to the mirror and turned to the side, slipping a measuring ribbon around her slender waist, smiled in satisfaction.

"Happy?" Caroline said as she sat down on the bed, tired by her efforts, she flopped back and gazed at the ceiling. She heard Katherine's dress rustling as she moved around, slipping on soft gloves and checking her hair in the looking glass.

"Finally. Though, I do not know why you like to make it seem so hard" Katherine said, arching an eyebrow at her friend lying exhausted on the bed. Caroline snorted.

"How ladylike" Katherine teased "You're lucky that Lady Ann wasn't here to witness it. They already think we are crass enough."

"Yeah, well, she probably shouldn't witness your unique ability to empty the sugar plum tray when it passes" Caroline said, rolling over to look at her friend, looking at Katherine's nipped in waist.

"I'm never wearing one of those. The new styles don't require them, and I much prefer the more modern gowns."

"Well, you know mother. She thinks London is the centre of the world, and what ever the fashionable young ladies here wear, is correct, even if what you say is true. Mother won't believe it until she sees it on some suitably uptight, entitled English girl." Katherine muttered, pulling some curling locks down from either side of her pinned hair.

"Well, luckily for me, your mother doesn't mind much about what I wear" Caroline said happily, standing and coming to help her friend with hair.

"She does care... she just can't see past marrying off Elena and I. Once that is settled, she'll turn her full focus on you, and then you'll be sorry" Katherine grinned at Caroline.

"Yes, but I would like to get married before I reach my fiftieth year" teased Caroline. They both turned as the door open, emitting Elena. She rushing in, looking a little scared, and closed the door in a rush, leaning against it with her eyes closed.

"Mother is in such a temper today, I don't know what to do with her. She has been so strict on me all morning, watching my lessons." Elena shuddered, and Katherine shrugged and turned back to the mirror

"Don't let it bother you little sister, mother must have someone to tell off, it makes her feel complete." she said lightly and Caroline was struck as always, by the difference in the sisters.

Identical twins, they both shared the same beautiful features, large dark eyes, glowing skin and long silky locks. However, you need only know them a day to see the resemblance ended there. Katherine was loud and outgoing, confident to a fault and a constant headache to her parents. She loved to have fun and to make mischief. She rarely studied during her lessons, always ran off at any given opportunity. Caroline loved them both with all her heart, but Katherine could be a test to anyone's patience. Elena was the opposite, and only tested Caroline's heart, as it felt for her, the girl was prone to nerves and had very delicate sensitivities. Elena felt the plight of every one in the city who they walked past on their outings, she would give the very shoes off her own feet to the match girl who stood on the corner of their road if Caroline did not prevent her.

Elena took every word that their bossy mother said to heart, and tried time and time again to please her. Isobel Pierce was a vain woman, who longed for nothing more than to see her daughters married into aristocracy, simply so she could write home to her friends in Virginia about it. Caroline immediately felt bad for thinking of such things, when the Pierce's had been so kind as to take her in. Her own mother and Isobel had been childhood friends, and Caroline knew it had been Isobel who had insisted to her husband John Pierce, that Caroline become part of their family. They had even promised her the sum of her parent's estate, which had passed to them when they took up her guardianship, to be given as a dowry when she married. Though, from the state of things lately, Caroline had seriously began to doubt when that might happen.

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