Chapter 16

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"My goodness! Caroline, Mademoiselle du Blanc has arrived. Are you ready to receive her? Lady Mikaelson has also accompanied her I see" Isobel Pierce said breathlessly as she pushed away from the window of the parlour and turned to Caroline, who was still sitting by the fire reading.

"Well, come along! What girl could fail to be excited at having her wedding dress made by the most sought after designer in London, I do not know." Isobel chided gently, pulling the book from her hands and hovering over her. Caroline pushed a smile to her lips, but feared it would not fool Isobel for long, she knew her too well.

"Please, Caroline. Try to look excited, for Lady Rebekah's sake, if nothing else." Isobel said softly. Caroline nodded, and pinched her cheeks slightly, warming her complexion.

In truth, she could not be less excited about being attended by the infamous designer. Barely a day had passed since she had returned from Liverpool, and she was still weary from the road. It had been exhausting and emotional and she was quite spent from the experience. But she didn't want to disappoint Rebekah. Upon her return she had received a letter from Rebekah, informing her of her intention to call and to bring with her Mademoiselle De Blanc, a designer who never made a dress for any girl who approached unintroduced by a current or previous client. As Rebekah was a client favourite of hers, Rebekah had decided Caroline would have nothing but the best for her wedding. Rebekah had written eloquently, and sorrowfully, convincing Caroline that she had not been complicit in the scheme to force Klaus and her together. Rebekah claimed that while she would not lie about the fact that she wished to have Caroline as part of her family, and someone to stand by her brother's side, she had never anticipated Klaus taking such drastic steps. She was truly regretful, and blamed herself if Caroline was now doomed into a marriage against her will. Caroline had replied, trying to relieve the fragile blonde of her guilt. She urged her to forgive herself, and put the blame firmly where it belonged... on Klaus's shoulders. At the thought of Klaus, her mind was drawn to the last time she had seen him.

"Let me do the explaining. I shall bare the brunt of their displeasure, and the consequences." Klaus said shortly, escorting her to the door.

She looked up at him in surprise, it was the most he had said to her in their mad dash back to London, and she had half thought him struck mute by her decision. She nodded wordlessly and allowed him to lead her into the Pierces' townhouse.

What a strange few days it had been, Klaus, as distant and removed as a stranger passing on the street. And for herself, the finality of her decision had continued to be felt, as though a large stone had been cast into a still lake, and her emotions were still caught in the ripples. Her betrothed was not helping the situation, with his distance and silence. For once, he was acting like a complete gentleman and she almost missed his warm smiles, indecent words and longing eyes. Perhaps the chase of her was what had held him, a man used to getting what he wanted, a man not usually denied. Now, with his prize in his hands, perhaps his interest had waned. These thoughts flitted through her mind at night, as she tried to fight the sadness they caused. He was no saint, nor a proper gentleman, she reminded herself, and she would not be concerned over his worries, if he refused to share them.

"Caroline?" he asked, nervous at her silence. Had she changed her mind again, he wondered. He wouldn't blame her, he had hardly been the best company, his thoughts a mess of guilt and madness. One moment, when he saw her blue eyes, so clear and honest, he knew he must confess in that very moment, or be lost forever. Then, the fear of her reaction set in, his survival instinct, his damn pride and selfishness and he turned away, engaging her as little as possible. He distanced himself, and made sure she was treated above reproach, so she would see how much he respected her, and how much he realised what he had done, by ruining her, was wrong. In response, she had withdrawn, and seemed to be regretting her decision, a fact which sent his heart racing and made his palms sweat.

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