Chapter 45

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The Virginian sun, warm and all so familiar crept through the leather of Caroline's glove as she lent her arm against the window of her childhood room. She looked down and over the lawn, ringed by trees and a pond where Mrs Pierce kept her Koi.

The green lawn, watered at great cost was punctuated by white dresses and sun parasols swaying in the late summer sun. The sky was cornflower blue, wisps of cloud drifting lazily. Childish laughter pulled her attention below, and she saw Ellie run out of the house, hotly pursued by Jeremy Salvatore. Caroline saw Rebekah by the pond, calling them over to feed the fish, her British voice cutting through the gentile American murmurs of Caroline's childhood.

The trip South had been long and arduous, as Caroline well remembered, yet, the sight of Ellie and her father passing the day chatting, reading together, looking out the window, as Klaus regaled her with stories of distant shores, and adventures, had filled Caroline's heart up enough to forget any hardship or distance to be endured. Between them, there were few words, long gazes, and secret smiles. She had started to feel complete again, whole for the first time in so long, as though a missing limb had been returned suddenly, and she could function again completely, or a missing heart. The long days dissolved into long nights, of tangled sheets, lowly burning fires and whispered confessions. Each night, each inn, they passed the night exploring each other, remembering each other, relearning every slope, each curve. Telling and retelling stories, so many days to recount, so much missed, so much time to reclaim.

Since arriving in Virginia, Caroline had felt as though she was living in a dream, one she treasured and feared simultaneously. On their various social calls and trips, she had tried to avoid thinking about what lay over the hill, a small way of, really, especially by carriage. Though, she had not seen it since that night, she was sure that little remained, charred ruins, a family of dust and painful memories. She avoided it at all cost, and yet found her mind returning to it constantly.

There were only two things which were able to capture her attention too completely for her mind to dwell on the past. One was outside, and the other, she could see in the distance, walking with his brother. They cut fine figures striding across the estate, dressed for riding, smiling and talking together, Klaus and Elijah. From the look of their discussion, Klaus was attempting to give martial advice, and Elijah was humouring him by listening. Caroline smiled as Klaus suddenly lifted his head and caught her eye. His answering grin lit his face up as he took in her outfit and then lifted his pocket watch from his pocket and tapped the large face. Nodding, Caroline backed away from the window, and surveyed her outfit once more. Not quite the outrageous ensemble she had subjected her husband to at Westmere, yet, not too decidedly matronly she thought satisfied as she tugged the tight leather bodice into place a last time and left the room, gathering her crop and hat.

"I am sure that Katherine will be satisfied with the preparations, considering she is responsible for most of them" Elijah was saying as Klaus motioned to a nearby groom to prepare his and Carolines' horses.

"Even so, a surprise, a romantic gesture, trust me brother, if there is not something you feel proud of inventing on the day, you will feel it keenly... benefit from my experience of the matter" Klaus said.

"And I suppose you feel the day of your nupitals lacked something? I am certain Caroline did not feel it."

"It wasn't everything she deserved" Klaus said in a final tone, as he became distracted by the sight of his wife appearing through the door, her form encased in tight brown leather and well cut plaid. The plaid of Westmere. He swallowed as he saw her approach. In that moment, he might have been transported to years before, before separation and tragedy had cursed them so completely, before his father had set out to ruin his life and take all from him. At the thought of his father, his mind instantly darkened, as the note, carelessly scrawled, it's words, cold and calculating. He had still not told anyone of it, and he did not plan to. Mikael was dead, he had done the deed himself, and he would not let his demons, imaginary or real, seep in to this, his second chance at living.

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