Chapter 27

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The Ton talked for weeks of the Lord and Lady Mikaelson, who danced every dance together, whose eyes were never far from meeting, whose smiles seemed reserved only for each other. In the flurry of the christmas festivities and social obligations, and even snow, no one quite realised that the infamous couple had retired to their country estate. Christmas came and went, as did the new year and soon another year was upon them all.

With Elena and Stefan returned to America Caroline found little reason to stay in London, especially with the weather. She held an image of the snowy valley of Westmere in her heart, and longed to return to it. Unable to deny his wife anything. Klaus swept her home. She was not to be isolated for long however, as Katherine, Rebekah and Kol soon came to stay with them for a winter house gathering of friends and family. It was a quiet, intimate time. Rebekah had been granted a reprieve from her father's matchmaking, yet remained mystified as to Damon Salvatore's sudden deceleration at the winter ball. They'd had no further contact, and her heart seemed to ache a little when she thought of him, which she found very odd indeed.

Katherine watched the frozen lake from the window of the library, thinking about lands far away, and the men who travelled them, each day perhaps bringing them closer to home, or taking them further away. Kol spent a great deal of time with Bonnie, and found himself quite relieved at the extended absence of society... with Miss Bennet providing all the entertainment he could manage.

They were a lively group, with Katherine providing the outrageous commentary, Bonnie the wisdom, and Rebekah the cynicism. Kol was a light hearted relief, and Caroline and Klaus, they provided the heart, a young couple, so in love.

They ate together each night, though the days were their own. In the snowy darkness, they talked and dreamed, laughed and became a family of sorts, and it was a time Caroline would forever cherish.

She missed riding, with the ground too hard for Theia to risk. She still visited her stable, and fed her treats and talked to her daily however. Lelantos demanded her attention also, and Caroline smiled as she thought of how he reminded her of her husband.

Klaus was busy in this time. Seeing to his estate responsibilities, especially as the winter grew colder and more harsh, and the village people more desperate. Caroline was touched to see his even handed and fair dealings with the locals, and how he supported the people, making sure none went cold or hungry in that cold hard January. The people of the town had always been well looked after, yet they had never seen much of the land owner. Now, with him in residence with his kind and compassionate wife, a new energy settled over the village. The family were spoken well of, and Klaus was greeted in the street, with smiles and small gifts. Bonnie started to tend the sick, and soon homemade christmas presents were being delivered to the estate, and her and Caroline knew the business of many, had been inside the homes of many, and it seemed into the hearts of many.








In a study far away in the capital, Mikael Mikaelson stared at the raven haired man sitting before him, shifting nervously in his seat.

"I am still not clear on what you would have me do? My father is not easy swayed, and he almost always puts business first." Damon stated.

"A sentiment I understand well, which is why I am sure you must understand that in her marriage, Rebekah must bring some sort of advantage to our family."

"I do understand, however, what you ask is excessive... father feels." Damon said, feeling the hopelessness of the situation press down on him.

"Well, Mr Salvatore. I am afraid our dealings here are at an end." Mikael said, sitting back in his leather chair, watching defeat weigh down on the younger man's shoulders. Damon stood stiffly and began toward the door, hesitantly, as though he wished to make another appeal, but was fighting himself. He reached the door and turned to bid farewell.

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