Chapter 8

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It was three whole days after her encounter with Klaus in his room, when Caroline came face to face with him.

She had avoided him as much as possible. He had left his rooms, but she had not seen him much and when she had, she barely met his eyes. With Mikael staying, Klaus was being more attentive to Elena than ever under his father's ever watchful eye. Elena, in response had been even more jumpy and nervous than usual, and Caroline despaired that she still hadn't accepted her impending wedding day. Mikael had taken control of the arrangements, and their wedding would be in two weeks.

On the third night, during dinner, as they moved to the dining room, footmen showing them to their seats, Caroline cringed to realise she was to sit between him and Damon, across from Rebekah. When dining so often together it was customary to change table seatings sometimes, so conversation topics were not rehashed too often. Sitting as the footman pushed her chair in, along with the other ladies, she felt the men sit beside her. As conversation sprang up around the table, she turned to Damon almost immediately.

"Mr Salvatore, why, I have not had the pleasure of your company at dinner in quite some time." she said politely, hoping her eyes did not look too desperate.

"Yes Miss Forbes, you have been quite busy, as have I"

"Pray, do describe what you do here to stay occupied"

"I greatly enjoy hunting, and it is excellent here."

"It sounds fascinating. I confess I have always been curious about it, and why exactly it is that men enjoy it so"

"The thrill of the hunt, it is a pleasure as old as time itself" Klaus's dry voice came from her other side, and she now had no choice but to sit back and allow him into the conversation or appear rude.

"Miss Forbes" he said warmly, waiting for her to turn to him patiently.

"Lord Niklaus." she said stiffly, giving him a courteous, brief smile before turning back to Damon, who she now saw had fallen into conversation with Rebekah. There was an air about them of not wanting to be disturbed. The first course arrived and she smiled graciously at her server.

"Well, this shall be a long evening if you refuse to speak to me. Hunting is a thrilling sport, I could take you sometime, if you want." he said and she glanced at him

"Ladies do not hunt."

"Not in town, or at large gatherings, however, at such a small party, it would be completely acceptable, especially if my sister were to attend also. She does love to participate." he said, watching as Caroline seemed to come around a little to him, no longer only offering him a small side glance.

"I confess I am not skilled enough on a horse to participate" she said.

"I thought all Americans could ride?" he asked wryly, raising an eyebrow at her.

"My parent's were nervous of such pursuits." she explained, taking a long drink of wine, feeling dry mouthed at his proximity and the way he kept looking at her with eyes like molten fire.

"That is a shame, but something that could be easily remedied. We have an excellent stable here. And I flatter myself – an adequate teacher."

"I think not." she said shortly, remembering his scorching eyes and inappropriate words the last time they had been alone together.

"I see I have erased any good will you may have had toward me once again. For that I am truly sorry. I confess to my head having been quite muddled that last night, and to not having felt myself since the attack." he said, and felt the deception's bitter taste on his tongue.

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