Chapter 38

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Caroline was tugged awake, her dreams falling away as small hands pulled at her face, and hands. She kept her eyes close a minute more, hearing Ellie's huff of frustration at not being able to wake her up. Without warning, she lunged forward, grabbing the squealing child in her arms, and dragging her onto the bed, and under the covers with her. Ellie giggled, wriggling into her mother's embrace, happy in their cocoon.

"Why are you so sleepy, mummy?" Ellie asked, seeing Caroline yawn.

"I don't know sweetheart, the last few days have been very tiring I suppose"

"Because Auntie Rebekah is getting married?" Ellie asked.

"Yes... that is why, and so we all have to work very hard until after the wedding."

"Can I come to the wedding?" Ellie asked.

"Of course, but you have to be very good, and quiet."

"Who else is coming?"

"Lots of people, your whole family!" Caroline answered, taking a deep breath at the thought. Ellie was looking at her shrewdly, and Caroline realised her mistake too late.

"Not my whole family... not my daddy" Ellie said, her little face already painted with a knowing look that broke Caroline's heart. She was so prepared for disappointment, so ready to believe the worst. Caroline debated with herself, aware that her daughter was watching each emotion flit across her features.

"Mummy?"Ellie prompted, suddenly realising her assumption had never been answered.

"Well, since it is Auntie Rebekah's wedding, maybe your father will come... he is her brother." Ellie sat up immediately, making a tent with the covers and her head.

"You said daddy could never come"Ellie said her eyes wide.

"I know, my love. I thought that before, I didn't know... if he could come. But now, I think he can" Ellie looked away, processing the news, and Caroline wondered what she was thinking. She was surprised when she turned back with a sudden subject change.

"Does this mean I can have a brother?"

"What! Why?"

"You said before I couldn't, like you said daddy could never come back. You changed your mind about it... can you change your mind about my brother?"

"Oh Ellie" Caroline laughed, pulling her closer, her hands going around her waist and tickling her. Ellie laughed, trying to twist away from her mother's nimble fingers, the conversation forgotten for the moment.










Caroline had collected herself as best she could. She had rehearsed what she would say, and how to say it also. There was no way to postpone it further. The wedding was less than two weeks away. Rebekah wanted her brother there. Elspeth would be there. There was no mistaking her parentage, and Klaus would know immediately. It was a miracle he had not already found out, she guessed he must have become even more formidable to talk to and more of a recluse than ever to still not know.

She smoothed down her pale green gown. It was the colour of pale jade with fine scalloped lace edging. Her hair was caught up in silver combs, a blue ribbon at her neck. She caught sight of herself in the reflection of the window, and blushed.

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