Chapter 6

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Elijah looked out over the countryside as it moved slowly past, the driver making every effort not to jostle the special bed inside, which carried his brother. Gently drawing the cover higher over him, he leaned back and let his mind wander back over the problem he had found himself contemplating at every given opportunity lately.

His brother was a deeply unhappy person, he had been since a young age. Fiercely protective of his siblings, he had always shunned the company of others, even resisting falling in love, reserving women as an indulgence of the physical nature, never involving himself too much, and never lingering too long. Now, his father was forcing him into this match, with a completely unsuitable girl. Elena Pierce was as soft and delicate as a hothouse orchid, and his brother would crush her before he even realised it, and then he would only hate himself more.

Her sister, Katherine would stand a better chance against him, though the very thought made Elijah extremely uncomfortable. No, Katherine was too badly behaved, she needed a good example in a husband, someone to carry the mantle of respectability for both of them. As Klaus's wife, they would end up being thrown out of all good society, disgraced by their parents and hating each other.

Because, whilst Klaus was not sensitive enough for someone like Elena, nor respectable enough for someone like Katherine, he desperately needed someone to love, who would love him in return, unreservedly.

Klaus shifted in his slumber, murmuring something, Elijah leaned forward to catch it.

"I didn't – don't -" he muttered, his head shaking from side to side and Elijah frowned, leaning forward he placed a hand on his brothers arm, feeling his scorching skin under his palm. He pushed open one of the windows in the carriage.

He wondered if he had done the right thing, allowing Rebekah to talk him into having the Pierces join them in the country, along with the Salvatores no less. It was their tradition to host house guests at their country home every summer, however with his brother's condition, he wondered if it was still appropriate. He worried of Klaus's reaction, and had decided not to tell him until he was recovered a little. He wouldn't be aware of their presence until he was well enough to leave his rooms at the very least.

Rebekah had become very close to the Pierces' ward Miss Forbes and he hated to see his sister alone so often, so granting her request had been a foregone conclusion really. Taking a deep breath, he tried to imagine spending time with Katherine Pierce in close quarters, day after day, without losing his head.







"Are you nervous?" Caroline asked Elena, as their carriage rolled through a small village near to the Mikaleson's estate. Elena looked at her, her face still lost in the thoughts Caroline had pulled her from.

"A little, of course. Though I expect we shan't see Lord Niklaus until he is recovered somewhat." as she said it, the relief on her face was palpable.

Caroline looked away, her thoughts betraying her for a moment, in a pang of sadness for an injured man, whose own fiancee was relieved at not having to see sooner than necessary. He deserved better than that, Caroline thought of the way he had bravely protected her that dark night weeks ago. Then, she realised that they both did... they both deserved better than they would be able to give each other. Turning back to the window she lost herself in the overwhelming greenness of Wiltshire as the carriage turned into the long driveway toward the Manor.

The Mikaelson's estate was more grand than she had imagined. Sitting amongst rolling hills, with beautiful manicured gardens and a lake surrounding it, the house seemed to rise up like a castle from a forgotten fairytale.

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