Chapter 41

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Klaus took in the grandeur of the ballroom, and felt a swell of pride for his sister. Only she could put together something so immense and lavish, and still look as regal and tasteful as a queen doing so. The orchestra at the end started to play another dancing song, and people around him excused themselves to dance. There were several single young ladies partnerless, with ambitious mothers hunting for someone to display them on the floor, yet he was not inclined to participate. There was only one woman here to attract his attention.

Caroline had taken his breath away when she'd arrived, her deep red gown falling close to her body, and hair shining more brightly than usual against it. She knew many people in attendance, he noted, as he watched her greeting people, conducting all the social niceties with grace and elegance that he so lacked. He knew no one, and he wished it could remain that way. As he moved through the crowd, it parted before him, curious looks following in his wake. The silent man who sought no attention, no introductions, even from the freshest new flowers of society. A man with eyes that searched for one, and one only, one who was never far from her side, whether she realised it or not.

This silence had lasted long enough between them, and it was time they confronted their emotions, as ugly as they may be, for there would be no healing, no moving on before it.

He kept his distance for the most part, played a few cautious hands of poker in the gentleman's lounge, more to pass the time than out of interest and emerged sometime later, to find Caroline dancing with Lockwood. He ground his teeth as he watched them, swirling around the dance floor. Caroline smiled, and laughed up him, they talked with ease, and he realised it might not be as easy as he had thought to pull them apart again. He made his way down to the lower floor, and positioned himself near the dance floor, ready to catch her as she finished. As the song came to a stop, and Tyler drew away, pressing a kiss onto the back of Caroline gloved hand, Klaus stepped forward, his smile a warning and a greeting.

"Good evening, Mr Lockwood."

"Lord Mikaelson. Congratulations on your sister's marriage" Lockwood said politely, and Klaus barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes. Instead he looked to Caroline, who had become suddenly, very interested in the floor.

"You are too kind. May I?" he held a hand out to her, and waited to see if she would accept his invitation or not. She hesitated a moment, and then slipped her hand into his, looking apologetically at Tyler.

"I -" she began to speak, but was interrupted by him.

"Of course, my dear, worry not, appearances must be kept up" Lockwood said, flashing Caroline a meaningful smile that made Klaus's fist itch.

He pulled her away, onto the dance floor, perhaps a little more strongly than necessary, causing her to look at him in askance. They took their positions, and the dance started. They circled each other, without touching.

"Did you enjoy the ceremony?" he asked after a while, wishing desperately to hear her voice.

"It was beautiful... they are the perfect couple"

"Indeed" Klaus said as they changed direction and circled the opposite way. Caroline felt his eyes on her face, and she kept hers forward, a pleasant smile fixed in place, avoiding his look, so as not to speed her heart more than it already was.

"Did you?" Caroline asked.

"Yes, though... it brought back memories" he murmured, passing close behind her and speaking near her ear.

"Hmm" Caroline mumbled, her cheeks flushing a little.

"Where is Ellie this evening?"

"She is with Kol and Bonnie, and will stay at the Salvatores' this evening."

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