Chapter 36

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January 1815

New York

"Mr Lockwood, you have done us a great service, I cannot thank you enough" Elijah said as he walked up the broad stairs of the Salvatores generous townhouse in New York.

"Please, call me Tyler, I believe we may be past such formality." Tyler said, hiding his nervousness at the request. He had spent a great deal of time with the man over their voyage, and he truly hoped that he could be looked upon as more than a mere acquaintance at this point. Travelling with the Mikaelsons had been a reminder of all the things he had longed for long ago, a warm and caring family, and a certain woman who lit up every room she entered.

Elijah considered it, before inclining his head briefly, allowing it. Tyler had helped them to procure a large townhouse, close to the Salvatores, where they would all stay together, as a family, excepting Katherine, who would remain at the Salvatores, until the dust had settled on their arrival.

Fresh off the boat, they were all glad to be getting settled, and Elijah had only needed to see his sister's face light up at the sight of her fiance to know they had made the right decision. It was a new start for them all.









"Tomorrow, you shall see them tomorrow darling, but you must sleep now."

"But I'm not tired" Elspeth said as her eyes struggled to stay open. Caroline smiled, stroking her soft hair back, perched on the edge of her daughter's bed. Elspeth had finally met her cousins, and the three were a force to be reckoned with. Hearing her tiny breaths even out, her little mouth dropping slightly open as sleep took her, Caroline stood up as quietly as possible. She walked to the door and went out into the hall, drawing the door closed behind her. Reaching the stairs, she saw Elena come out of a neighbouring room, holding her skirts close to quiet them. They quietly descended the stairs together.

"I see you have not trusted their care to anyone else? Though, I might have expected as much... does society not think it terribly outmoded... caring for ones own children?" Caroline teased as they entered the drawing room.

"Why, yes of course, though I am yet to care..." Elena rejoined with a laugh. Caroline might have guessed that Elena would be a devoted mother, much like Caroline was herself. The drawing room was full of her family, and Caroline knew without a doubt that she was glad to be home. It was so comforting, strangely, and she had not expected that. Perhaps it was because there were no memories of him here, nothing to remind her or perhaps she had grown accustomed to the realisation that he was alive, and had chosen a different life. Either way, she felt more peaceful than she had in a long time.

"Caroline, Tyler Lockwood just left, he wished for me to express his desire to call tomorrow. I told him that it would be fine." Elijah sat from before the fire. Caroline felt for a moment that everyone was watching her, and holding their breaths.

"Tyler? That is a little informal is it not?" Katherine teased.

"I believe it is time, the man has been a great help to us" Elijah announced, watching Caroline's reaction closely.

"Yes, I believe he has. I would be happy to receive him tomorrow. If you will excuse me, I should go to bed, Ellie will be awake as early as usual" Caroline said with a smile, before rising and leaving the room. In her absence, looks were shared in the assembled company, before conversation moved to the proposed hospital.

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