Chapter 11

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"I won't push you. If you want to tell me what happened, that is fine, but otherwise, just rest" Tyler voice was soft and she tried to smile at him. The carriage swayed a little, and Caroline felt the sick feeling she had been trying to keep at bay rise up.

"Can we?" she asked quietly, gesturing to the window. Tyler leaned forward and pushed the window up. A cool breeze filtered in and she sighed. It was such a relief. Since that morning, refusing to speak to Katherine, washing in front of Klaus, a memory that made her blush now, especially if what he maintained was true and nothing more had happened between them. Well, she didn't care, she was upset and angry and would treat him however she thought he deserved.

She felt Tyler's eyes on her, and glanced up, warmed by his smile. He had come to her this morning, he wanted to check on her, worried for her.

He did not know everything that had happened, but he knew Elena was gone, and that Klaus was not going to be marrying her. Maybe he had picked up on the energy of the house, or heard from the servants, but he had offered Caroline a ride back to London, leaving at that moment and she had accepted. In the carriage with them was Tyler's valet and another person traveling to the capital. Caroline was grateful that even when all was lost, Tyler still did not compromise her. He was an altogether different man than Klaus. Not that she would ever have the opportunity to know him better now. She felt a fresh onslaught of tears threaten when she realised that... even if she could get out of marrying Klaus, what respectable man would look her way?

"Why don't you get some rest" Tyler suggested, his warm brown eyes making her feel safe. She nodded gratefully.

Settling her head back on the rest, she tried to force the bad memories out of her mind. It wasn't just what he had done, or hadn't done, as may be the case. It was that he would manipulate her so terribly and brutally to get his way. It was cold and selfish, and so incredibly possessive and obsessive, which was what scared her the most. He wanted to consume her, to own her, to have her at all costs, and he was willing to go against his father, a man she knew he hated and feared in equal measure. It was terrifying and desperate and she wondered why running, as she was doing, felt so bad, and perhaps the most cowardly thing she'd ever done.

It was quite some time later, when they reached their destination. She had left a note for the Pierces, telling them she was returning to London, and would stay at home until they too had returned. She had started to apologise for everything in the note, but realised it fell too short, and had left it brief.

Th carriage waited at the door as Tyler walked her to the door. It opened as they approached, footmen approaching for her bags, seeming slightly taken aback when they realised she didn't have any. Turning to Tyler on the step, she smiled at him gratefully.

"Mr Lockwood, I cannot express to what extent you saved me today. I am truly grateful." she said

"Please, Miss Forbes, Caroline, it was my pleasure." he said smoothly, and she turned to leave,

"Caroline – wait, if I may have one more moment of your time" he asked suddenly.

Startled she turned back, "Of course" he stood studying her a little in the lamp light, and suddenly spoke.

"You look like your mother, you know"

"I didn't know you were acquainted with my parents" Caroline said, surprised.

"My father worked closely with yours for a time. I can still remember them both, they were very kind people"

"Thank you." Caroline said, feeling a surge of sadness, that this man could remember what she couldn't.

"Was there anything else?" she asked, noticing the carriage driver glance impatiently over at them. Tyler nodded, his face twisting a little, he seemed nervous. Suddenly collecting himself, he smiled and reached out for Caroline's hand.

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