Chapter 32

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Elijah closed the door of the water closet, and poured water into a pitcher, finally washing the blood from his hands. Hours had passed since he had come across the scene which would surely haunt him for eternity. The watch had entered, and began their questioning. They had brought a doctor at least, he though wryly as he remembered the fusing of the old man they had dragged out of bed. Miss Bennet had been the next to arrive with Rebekah. He was proud of his sister, the way she held together and presented a united front to the curious Watchmen, as they surveyed the scene, despite the way her eyes drifted to her father, now covered by a blood spotted sheet.

Caroline had been moved carefully and he planned to go to her side, as soon as the detectives allowed him to do so. He braced his now clean hands on either side of the wash stand, and stared at himself in the looking glass on the wall.

His father was dead. He could scarcely believe it. There had been no affection between them, yet, he had been a part of his life for so long, he could not escape a certain magnitude of feeling. What had he done in his final moments? To Caroline? The thought was unbearable, and Elijah gripped the unit to steady himself. Now his brother ran from the law, ran from the hangman's noose, and his father's friends and influence which already extended from his grave.

Sighing he turned back to the door, readying himself to step out, preparing himself to answer the Watch's questions another time.

The hallway was crowded, and Elijah pushed through the throng to find Rebekah. She was sitting, pale and trembling by the door. He crouched beside her and took her hands.

"Come, we shall go and see Caroline, if they permit us to leave" he murmured, pulling her to her feet.

"Lord Mikaelson" a voice called, and Elijah turned around slowly.

"We have not been formally introduced. My name is Galen Vaughn. I am a Bow Street runner, and a close friend of your fathers, may he rest" the man said, tipping his hat with the barest of politeness.

"If you do not mind, I need to escort my sister from her, this is all too much for her." Elijah said stiffly, noting the way the detective was looking around, at the blood on Elijah, on Rebekah and seemed to be missing nothing.

"Of course, you may leave at once, we have had a witness come forward, claims she saw the whole crime, so we won't be needing you again until tomorrow." the man said as he watched Elijah's expression carefully.

"I am sure our version differs from hers dramatically" Elijah said.

"Of course, she was here longer, I suppose" Vaughn said with a smirk, and Elijah felt fear flicker through him.

"My brother was only defending his wife"

"Let's discuss it tomorrow, shall we? Where can you be reached?"

"We shall be staying at his home, where my sister in law now recovers after Lord Mikaelson attacked her" Elijah said pointedly.

"Which Lord Mikaelson would that be now?"

"The elder"

"Right, so the former Lord Mikaelson." Vaughn continued, eyeing Elijah's reaction. Not appearing ruffled, Elijah stared the man down, and inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the comment.

"You are free to go, and do not concern yourself, we shall get to the bottom of the matter, make sure the guilty are brought to justice." Vaughn said, in what was surely meant to sound more of a threat than a reassurance. Elijah turned away from the hateful man and helped Rebekah outside, where dawn was staining the grey sky pink.

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