Chapter 22: Foot Healing.

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Narrator: Daiki lead his daughter back to the beach, where the sun was going down already. Daiki: Well looks like we better set up camp here. Good thing no one stole the rowboat. Sonjo, heal my daughters feet, while I go set up the tent.

Sonjo: Okay to do that, I need to get a bucket. Narrator: Sonjo sat Hanako down on the sand, and then took his helmet off, and then his boots. Sonjo: Jeez, I think I'm sweating in this gear. Narrator: Sonjo took off his gloves, shoulder pads, torso armor, and tunic after the boots and helmet were removed. Then after removing the tantō from his sword holster, Sonjo grabbed a bucket and went into the water.

Sonjo: Alright here we go. Narrator: After bending over, Sonjo filled up the bucket full of sea water, and headed back to land. Hanako suddenly noticed the muscles on Sonjo's body and saw interest in him. Sonjo placed the bucket of water in front of Hanako's feet, and placed her feet into the bucket, helping them heal from third degree burn.


Time To Learn About Yōkai. Furutsubaki-No-Rei(古椿の霊) A Creature From Japanese Folklore. We'll Be Right Back.


Time To Learn About Yōkai. Betobeto-San(べとべとさん) A Yōkai That Follows Travellers At Night, Making The Sound "Beto Beto" With Its Wooden Sandals. It Cannot Be Seen. Only Heard. And Now We're Back.


Narrator: Hanako's feet healed for a bit, seeing that the feet in there will cool off. Sonjo sat next to Hanako while her feet were cooling. Sonjo: Alright we'll just let them cool for a while, then we'll put the bandages on there. Hanako: Sonjo, how and when did you get so many muscles. Sonjo: It was from the training I did with your father. Once you go through all that training, you get the strength of a thousand man. Narrator: Hanako suddenly became admired by the only friend she had, and suddenly got closer to him.

Sonjo: Hanako, why are you blushing? Hanako: I'm not sure, I think I suddenly feel something in my heart. I can't tell what it is, but it's making me have compassion for you. Sonjo: I should probably put my armor back on then. Hanako: Actually I wouldn't mind if you kept the shirt off a little while longer. Sonjo: And I thought I was perverted when I looked at you. Narrator: Hanako smiled and leaned in for a kiss, but suddenly was interrupted by Daiki arriving. Daiki: Enjoying yourselves? Narrator: Suddenly getting embarrassed, Sonjo and Hanako backed away from each other. Sonjo: Well look at the time. I should probably get the bandages for your feet. Narrator: Sonjo placed his boots back on, got up, and walked over to the rowboat. 

Daiki: You've done well on the tests you've completed today. But this next test, is something that's a bit tiring. I set up camp near another god statue. Tsukiyomi, god of the moon. To earn his respect, you must stay awake for the entire night. Hanako: Actually that doesn't seem hard to do. The other challenges were life threatening, and scary, but it's nice to see something I can actually do. Narrator: Sonjo returned to Hanako with the bandages, and took her feet out of the bucket of water. Sonjo: Okay hold still, these bandages might sting your feet a bit because of the heat left on there.


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