Chapter 31: Cold Wake Up.

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Narrator: The next morning, the sun went up, meaning it got warmer for Hanako, and Sonjo to sleep through. Daiki came outside after the sun was already up, and shook Hanako's back to wake her up. Hanako opened her eyes, and turned around to stretch.

Daiki: Good morning, young one. Narrator: After yawning a bit, Hanako got up from the cold wooden floor of the porch, and woke up Sonjo. Sonjo: Morning already? Hanako: Come on Sonjo, you need to get up. Narrator: Narrator: Hanako grabbed Sonjo's hand, and helped him up. Daiki: Come children, we need to pack up, and return home. Narrator: As Daiki lead the two back inside, they found that Masao, and his son were already packing there own bags.

Daiki: Masao, why are you packing up? Masao: We're moving to Itsuki Village, Daiki-San. I've figured it would be nice to expand my business, so I've given my restaurant to someone. Daiki: I'm glad you'll be coming with us Masao, and you're son will be worthy to be taught lessons of a samurai. Now let's go.


Time To Learn About Yōkai. Jubokko(樹木子) A Yōkai Tree That Appears In Many Books Related To Japanese Yōkai, Including Shigeru Mizuki's Works. We'll Be Right Back.


Time To Learn About Yōkai. Ikiryō(生霊) A Spirit That Leaves The Body Of A Living Person And Subsequently Haunts Other People Or Places, Sometimes Across Great Distances. And Now We're Back.


Narrator: Once everything was packed, Masao lead everyone back to the beach where the rowboat was waiting. Daiki: Apologies for this Masao, but I only have room for three in the rowboat. Masao: Not to worry Daiki-San, we have our own rowboat to use. Narrator: Once they arrived near the beach, Masao pulled out his own rowboat, and placed it into the water. After everyone got in the rowboats, they paddled back to Itsuki Village. After a couple of hours of rowing, they finally arrived back at Wakayama Bay, where the horses were waiting.

Narrator: After the group stopped rowing the boat, they got out and landed on the sand. Daiki: Here we are, home sweet home. Sonjo: And I thought we wouldn't make it after we left Hokkaido Island. Masao: This place is warmer than our own village, Daiki-San, however I doubt most of the people here would appreciate our business. Yukio, get the stuff out of the boat. Yukio: Yes Father. Narrator: Yukio did as his father instructed, and got the supplies out of the rowboat. After everything was out, the entire group left the beach. Hanako: Father, what's the next challenge? Daiki: I'll show you once we return to the palace.

Narrator: Daiki got on his horse, while also grabbing it's reigns. Daiki: Come young one, it's time for you to learn the true spirit of a samurai warrior. Narrator: Hanako followed her father's lead, and got on her horse. Hanako: I shall follow father. Sonjo: I'll meet up with you guy's in a while, I just need to help Yukio and Masao find somewhere to put their restaurant. Daiki: Very well, meet us back at the palace by sundown then. Narrator: Sonjo nodded, after Daiki and Hanako rode off back to the palace.


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