Chapter 23: Night Camp.

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Narrator: After getting her feet bandaged, Sonjo helped Hanako up off the ground and carried her to the camp. Daiki lead the two to the camp which had three tents in front of the statue of Tsukiyomi, and a large bonfire in the middle of the tents.

Sonjo: Wow, your father is really good at setting up camp. Hanako: I know, let's hope no one manages to try and attack us during the night. Daiki: We will, you kids stay here. I'm going to go catch some fish in the water. Narrator: Daiki grabbing the fishing rod from his rowboat, and left for the ocean to catch some fish, while Sonjo placed his tunic back on, along with his gloves. Then Sonjo picked his tantō up, and placed it back in it's holster, after putting Hanako down.

Hanako: What about your chest armor, and your helmet? Sonjo: I'll put it back on tomorrow. So what's your next challenge? Hanako: My father said, I need to stay awake the entire night. The best part is that it's actually something I can manage to do. Narrator: After getting everything on, Sonjo picked up his armor, and placed them next to his tent.


Time To Learn About Yōkai. Azukiarai(小豆洗い) A Yōkai That Takes The Appearance Of A Short, Grotesque-Looking Bald Man, Complete With Bulging Eyes And Crooked Teeth. Some Also Say It Takes The Appearance Of A Child, Or Elderly Woman. But He Doesn't Usually Allow Himself To Be Seen, Or Rather, Isn't Seen Very Often. Azuki-Arai Resides Near The Banks Of Mountainous Streams And Ponds All Throughout Japan, Crouching Over A Barrel Of Azuki Beans. We'll Be Right Back.


Time To Learn About Yōkai. Amanojaku(天邪鬼) A Demon Usually Depicted As A Small Ogre And Is Able To Provoke One's Darkest Desires And Instigate Them Into Committing Evil Deeds. And Now We're Back.


Narrator: After setting his armor down, Sonjo grabbed two sticks from the ground and walked up to the bonfire to start it. Sonjo: Get comfortable. I'll have this fire lit up in a matter of minutes. Hanako: Be sure to hurry. I might get night chills if it doesn't start yet. Narrator: After grinding the sticks against each other on top of a bunch of logs, Sonjo managed to create a bonfire. Sonjo released the sticks letting them sit on the logs, and sat next to Hanako while the fire started growing on the wood.

Sonjo: So, what do you think we'll get to eat for dinner tonight? Hanako: I don't know, but I hope it's better than the baked cow meat we had. Every time an animal passes away, we have to remove the skin, and pull the body apart before the meat has time to go rancid. Sonjo: Jeez, farm life must be kind of gruesome. Hanako: Well I wouldn't say it's that gruesome. We still have a lot of fruit to grow. Maybe you can come for a visit some time. Sonjo: I will when I get the chance. So will we be doing that thing we were about to do, before your father interrupted? Narrator: Hanako smiled, and then hugged Sonjo while the both of them were still sitting. Hanako: Let's hope we'll make this relationship last.

Narrator: After grabbing on to Hanako in return, Sonjo leaned in forward, and kissed her on the lips. As the two were making out, Daiki returned with a bucket full of trouts, salmon, and koi fish and placed them in front of the bonfire. The two stopped kissing, and let go of each other. Hanako: I never thought kissing could be so amazing. No wonder my parents do it all the time. Sonjo: Well sometimes with age, you go through changes, and get struck by romance. Daiki: Glad to see you two finally became more than friends. Now come and grab a stick, we're having fried fish for dinner. 


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