Chapter 2:Meet Up

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The next morning, I sleep past noon. I wake up around one in the afternoon because my head would start to hurt if I sleep for too long. Downstairs, my aunt is working on her laptop diligently. I walk to the fridge to get some food, and she notices me. "Oh, you're awake. If you're hungry, there's some leftover lasagna from last night in the microwave."

"Thanks, Aunt Carrie." I turn on the microwave to heat the food up.

She continues to work on her laptop. "Did you have a good night's sleep, Violet?" Her eyes stay glued to the screen; her fingers moving lightning fast, filling the quiet house with the clicking sounds of her keyboard.

"...No, but thanks for asking." I take the lasagna out and set it on the table to cool.

"I'm sorry for asking, Violet. I should've known already since you slept past noon," she remarks sadly.

"It's totally fine." I eat my food silently.

"Violet, I'm getting really worried about you. Your insomnia is getting worse. Do you need a break from school? Do you want to go to a therapist?" she asks with worry.

I finish my food and wash the dishes. "No, I'm fine, Aunt Carrie. I'll manage."

"Are you sure? You always look so tired," she responds. "If you need anything, just tell me, and I'll have it arranged for you. Whatever you need." She stops to look at me with a face portraying her worry for me.

"Yes, I am sure. Now stop worrying about me and finish your work, please?" I embrace her a little, and she nods. I proceed my day by heading back into my room upstairs. I flop onto my bed and contemplate what I should do. Should I watch a series or a few movies? *Ping*...*Ping* I search for my phone under my bed covers. I unlock my phone and find the source of the sounds. Kendall is messaging me, again. I will never get used to this. What does he want on a weekend? I tap on the message and is brought into the conversation.

Chem Partner KW: Good afternoon, Violet. How was your day?
Chem Partner KW: I was thinking of something, and I'd like to ask you if you'd agree to it too.

I want to change his nickname now.

Me: My Partner Vi has changed Chem Partner KW's nickname to Ken.

Ken: Why'd you change my name to Ken?

Well, that was a quick response.

Me: Because I think it's too long.

Ken: Sorry, what?

Me: Never mind, what was it that you wanted to ask?

Ken: Oh right, I want to know if you'd like to meet up at the NYPL to start on our project because it's due Tuesday.

He wants to meet up at the New York Public Library? I guess it couldn't hurt. Besides, I have nothing to do today, and we wouldn't be all alone together.

Me: Right, we have to start on the project. Sure, what time do you want to meet up?

Ken: Could 3 P.M. sharp work for you?

Me: Definitely, see you then.

Ken: Yeah, c u l8r

Me: You know text slang?

Ken: Lol, ofc I do. Aywys, ttyl, literally.

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