Chapter 10:Karaoke On Christmas

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The Thanksgiving dinner last month was delicious and weird in a way because I had to eat with Kendall's parents. It felt like we were dating, and I was meeting his parents for approval. Luckily, Mrs. Williams liked me, and Mr. Williams didn't seem to dislike me.

The Christmas holiday is nearing, and my family has always planned a fun night. Every Christmas we would choose to do something fun. Roxanne is part of it too. This year is her turn to choose what we're doing for Christmas night. We rotate every year.

Last year, Owen made us go skiing and stay overnight at a ski resort. It was at a fair price, so nobody disagreed. Now, you might ask the question, 'why is Roxanne part of it?' Well, that's because her parents always go to Paris to visit her grandpa Louie on Christmas, and she doesn't like to travel, so she stays behind with us.

"I'm thinking of karaoke! What do you think?" Her eyes gleam.

"Whatever floats your boat, Roxie," I reply. "I'm sure it'd be fun either way because we're together as a family," I add in.

"Gosh, you're cheesy!" She laughs.

"And that's why you love me!" I coo, and we both laugh.

Kendall joins us with a smile on his face. "What's up?" he asks with his hands in his pockets.

"We're talking about what to do for Christmas!" Roxie chirps happily.

"Oh, that's cool," he says. The bell rings, cutting our talk short, and we head to our classes.

After school, Roxie assembles all of us to make an announcement. "I had the brightest idea this afternoon guys!" she squeals. Kendall and I look at each other in confusion.

"Please don't tell me you're planning to get back with your ex." I sigh.

"What?! No! Never! Why would I?" she asks, shocked.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe it's because you still stalk his Instagram account? You think I don't see you looking through his shirtless pictures?" I laugh, and Kendall snickers. She turns into a deep shade of red.

"Violet Peres!" She hits me repeatedly.

"Ow! Stop it, or else I'll tell Donnie," I state wickedly.

"You wouldn't dare!" She warns me with her glare.

"Donnie! Over here!" I shout, looking behind her. She covers my mouth and immediately turns around to see no sign of her current boyfriend. Kendall laughs and bends over holding his stomach. Hearing his laugh makes me want to tease Roxie even more.

"Oops! Sorry. Thought I saw him. Guess it was someone else," I say, pretending to be innocent.

"I swear to God I'll stop being your friend!" She pouts.

"We both know that's not going to happen," I state.

"Oh really? Try me," she says, daring me.

"Okay, fine! I'm sorry. Forgive me? I love you, honey," I say with puppy eyes.

"Ugh! I can't stay mad at you with that cute little face of yours." She squeezes my cheeks puissantly.

"Jesus, Roxanne!" I rub my now red cheeks and pout. She looks at me with a wily grin on her face.

"That's what you get, honey!" She cackles like a vixen who just won a fight. Someone clears their throat. We forget that Kendall was with us the entire time, and we all burst into laughter. By the time we finished, everyone stared at us like we're crazy.

"Wow, I haven't laughed like that in ages," I say, catching my breath.

"So, what was the bright idea, Roxanne?" Kendall asks.

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