Chapter 15:Happy Ever After

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"What do you think of these flowers?" I ask Roxie as she flips through the magazine.

"Nah, that color wouldn't go well with it," she replies.

"But we've gone through a whole book already," I state, and she rolls her eyes.

"Well, do you want your wedding to be perfect or not woman?" She crosses her arms across her chest. I sigh, and she continues to flip through the magazine.

"THIS! THIS ONE!" she suddenly shouts, temporarily making me death. I look at the picture that she's pointing at. They're white calla lilies, and they indeed look beautiful. I nod and smile as a sign of approval. "Yes! See, I'm an amazing wedding planner," she expresses proudly.

Roxie became a wedding planner after she graduated from college and got a bachelor's degree in event planning. She married Donnie after three years of dating, and she's now six months pregnant. She decided to take on the project of my wedding after hearing the news that Kendall proposed to me. "These flowers will look so good in the church. Don't worry, your wedding will be so memorable," she reassures me.

"I know, Roxanne. You're a wonderful wedding planner," I remark. My phone rings, the caller ID is 'My Fiancé '.

"Hi. What is it?"

"Hey, Violet. Are you coming to try on your dress? You do remember, right?"

My eyes go wide in shock as I look at Roxie. She looks at me confused and mouths 'what?'

"I'll be there in ten, babe!" I answer and hang up immediately then pack up my stuff.

"Where are you going?" Roxie asks.

"I'm late for the dress fitting!"

"Tsk, so irresponsible." She chuckles and shakes her head.

"You can go ahead and plan the rest. Show me when you're done, bye!" I run out of the place and drive as fast as I can while abiding by traffic rules. By the time I get there, I'm out of breath, my hair's a mess, and my forehead's glistening with sweat. Kendall turns around, and his face portrayed genuine shock at how frazzled I look.

"Violet? What happened? It looks like you got caught in a hurricane on your way here." He smiles.

"Haha, very funny. Where's the fitting room?" I walk past him.

. . .

I fix my hair and smooth the front of the dress in front of the mirror. I can't believe this is the dress I'm wearing for my wedding. Kendall had the dress tailored especially for me. I can't imagine how much it must've cost. The female employee comes in and puts a gold accessory in my hair. I walk out to the waiting room where Kendall is sitting in peace. As soon as he notices me, his jaw drops open in awe. I giggle in delight then he snaps out of his stupor and walks over to me. "I knew the dress would look beautiful on you, but this is really on a whole other level." He places a kiss on my hand.

"Well, you chose the materials and the design of it just for me. Of course I'd look good in it."

"Now I can't wait for our wedding." He chuckles, and I laugh.

"Yes, you have a beautiful fiancée, Mr. Williams," the female employee states.

"Did you try on your suit already?" I ask.

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