|Chapter Twelve|

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The door slams shut

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The door slams shut. Louis doesn't care that Zayn might be asleep. Don't get him wrong; of course, he wants his best friend to rest after all of the things that have happened the last few days. It's just that, right now his anger knows no boundaries and he needs to vent. And Zayn, having the luxury of being his best friend, needs to listen to him and tell him that he is not wrong for getting furious over the conversation he just had with Styles.

The thing is that Louis doesn't know why his Captain doesn't want to teach him how to fight. It's not like Louis is asking for the impossible. He just needs to learn the basics of a fight, so when the time comes he won't be such a pain in the arse by having to hide behind others to save his own life.

"What is it with you?" Comes Zayn's voice, heavy with sleep. The black-haired boy gets up lazily, rubbing his eye with his left hand in a fist, and a side of his hair is up from tossing and turning in bed.

Louis waves him away, "Don't mind me. Just go back to sleep." He says, internally hoping that Zayn will not just leave it at that, but will start with his probing questions as a real best friend should.

The annoyed look that he receives puts Louis at peace knowing that Zayn will not get back to sleep but start and bother him until Louis breaks and pours his heart out. Thank fuck.

"If you really meant that, you wouldn't still be standing right here in front of my bed like a child waiting for a plate of cookies and a glass of milk," Zayn pats the side of his bed, "Come here. Sit."

Louis groans, stomping his foot and hating how childish he must look but he doesn't care that much. This is Zayn, and they have been together through thick and thin. Zayn knows him more than anyone and he can read Louis easily, just by looking at his face. God bless him.

It's not that Louis doesn't want to talk about it. But, even if he talks about it what is there to say. Yes, Zayn encouraged him at first to give in to Styles' request and just sleep with him to get on his good side. But, Louis is sure Zayn knows the blue-eyed boy feels something more about the Captain. It may be lust, but it runs deeper in his veins than just that.

Louis is confused with himself too. Maybe is too early to call it love, but he feels... something. He doesn't know what type of name to put to it either and he hates that. He wants to clear his heart and his head and know what he wants. Or more importantly, Louis knows what he wants but the problem is that he doesn't know if Styles wants the same thing. And then again, even if the Captain felt something what kind of future do they have?

The crew doesn't know about them; Pravus is following them like a dark shadow from the past that won't stop until he gets what he wants. And Louis doesn't know what Pravus wants either; matter of fact he has never seen him, and yet he is going to fight the guy.

Styles is like a sky full of clouds, hiding a lot and never letting him see what is behind the façade. Usually, clouds promise storm, and the storm that will hit them will take away everything that it can get.

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