|Chapter Sixteen|

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The sun above their heads serves as a reminder of where they're working and it certainly doesn't help in making their job easier

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The sun above their heads serves as a reminder of where they're working and it certainly doesn't help in making their job easier. Sweat keeps dripping down his back but Louis is beyond himself in wiping it any longer when he knows that in a matter of minutes it will gather there again. Of course, he had chosen the hottest day in the history of humanity to start his fighting lessons, but if he told Styles that he'd rather start another day or postpone it, that day would have a higher possibility in never coming.

Both of them are on the deck of the ship, Styles shirtless and Louis with an old rag that at least covers his nipples as per Styles' demands. What a possessive bastard he is. It took for another man to throw a couple of words Louis' way for him to claim what's his and show the blue-eyed man a pinch of affection. Louis feels so desperate for it that he even accepted to go through with that sick little game Aaron suggested.

Speaking of the devil.

"Looking good," The royal guard says, with a swollen cheek and a wooden cup near his lips.

Louis hopes to God that wooden cup has water in it because it is far too early in the day to be drinking rum.

The Captain only grunts Aaron's way, still full of the rage of what had happened just a couple of days prior.

"Wouldn't say so," Louis huffs, "He's tackled me on the floor for about three hours now. I think I'm not making any progress at all."

Aaron lets out a chuckle, "That's cause he loves tackling you to the floor. You know, to show you he's all dominant and that."

He has the guts to add a wiggling of his brows as he says it and Louis feigns annoyance by letting out a huff. He does it more to blow away the fringe sticking to his forehead, but it still gets his message through. He doesn't say anything to Aaron back but the man doesn't move from where he is, still smirking while looking at Styles.

Louis decides to not pay any attention to Aaron any longer, keeping his eyes on his opponent in front of him who is looking even scarier than he did a couple of minutes ago. Styles' stance goes from intimidating to predatory, and Louis inhales a deep breath. His hands are sweating too much and if anybody would ask him, he would obviously say it is from the sun grazing their heads. His sword threatens to slip from his hands any second now, but Louis grabs at it with both of his hands stubbornly.

He wants to swallow down because he can never tell what Styles is thinking about but decides against it. Swallowing shows weakness, and Louis can be a lot of things but never weak. When they started training Louis had made him promise he would not go easy on him and Styles, a true man of his word, had kept it. Louis' knees and back are screaming at him from plummeting on the floor time after time but he has yet to complain.

He hears Aaron putting the wooden cup down but shakes his head slightly as if keeping himself focused. There are more important things Louis should be paying mind to right now, but the faint buzz in his ears is making it very difficult for him right now. He takes a deep breath and gets ready to attack, but is immediately stopped when a pair of strong arms are coming around his upper body. His back goes rigid instantly. The raging fire behind Styles' eyes goes from zero to a hundred but Aaron seems unbothered. He should start taking Styles' threats seriously if he wants to make it to the next day.

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