|Chapter Four|

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Louis is grumpy

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Louis is grumpy. That can be the result of being hungry for more than forty hours. He can feel his focus getting hazy, and his limbs trembling as time passes. All of this because of that curly-haired garbage that calls himself a Captain.

He has been cleaning the whole ship for the past two days on his own, without anyone offering help. Zayn offered to help him at first, but when the Captain heard of it he threatened to punish Zayn too. So now Louis was alone. The worst thing of it is cause Louis is stubborn.

Zayn advised him to go to Styles' cabin and beg for forgiveness, but the blue-eyed boy absolutely refuses to do so. He is a person at the end of the day, and it is his right to decide if he wants to sleep with someone or not. Styles' bitter self has to accept it.

He is sure that the Captain has instructed his crew to purposely make a mess more than they usually do. Each time Louis thinks he is done with cleaning, another crew member informs him to clean their cabin again. He wants to scream his lungs out, but he doesn't. He can't give that satisfaction to Styles. Not today, not ever.

But, he is still hungry. His stomach growls for the tenth time that day, and Louis is sick and tired of having to wait another twenty-four hours to finally eat. He shakes his head, refusing to be defeated and starts gathering the dirty clothes around the place. They look like they have never been washed, stinky and so dirty Louis is not able to tell their real colour.

"Finished?" Yao asks his hands under his head from where he is lying on his bunk. He has this glint of amusement in his eyes, whistling a stupid melody that clearly says he is doing it just to get on Louis' nerves.

Louis does not answer, he just continues to pick up what he came to get and turns his back to the man on the bed. His whistling gets louder, adding to the headache that Louis has been having for the past days due to malnutrition. The blue-eyed boy can feel his knees buckle a little, too weak to even speak.

He gets out of Yao's room before he snaps at him and risks adding a beating to his bad fortune. The bad smell of the clothes lathered with sweat and blood does not help the state he is in. Not one bit.

Louis knows he is supposed to feel lucky he is alive and that Styles is giving him the opportunity to work, but Louis is human. He is not an animal to be joked around as the Captain wishes. The only good thing in Louis' life right now is that he is breathing and he is somewhat alive, and even for that Louis is not so sure.

He is hungry, thirsty and craving sleep. Styles did the good deed of his life by giving him and Zayn a 'proper' cabin. It has two beds, a ruined table and a jug of water. Louis has slept on softer pavements than the bed he's currently sleeping in. He is sure Styles gave them it just to get on his nerves, but Louis isn't going to let him. He'd rather knock himself out with a wooden plate.

He has been in the same rags since he came on this hell of a ship, not even having the opportunity to wash them from how tired he slumps on his bed face first every night. He is the first to wake up and the last to sleep. Zayn makes sure to eat when he is not there, trying to help him cope with it as much as the raven-haired lad can.

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