|Chapter Fifteen|

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Louis can feel the anger radiating from Styles' back. His wrist still hurts a bit from the man's ringed fingers grasping it and dragging Louis' body to the Captain's cabin. The blue-eyed man's heartbeat has increased with each step they took in the direction of the room they both are in at the moment.

Styles had not uttered a single word since they left the main deck. Louis wanted to speak, maybe crack a joke just to skip the cold air that enveloped his body from being dismissed as if he wasn't present or didn't even exist. As if he just remembered all suddenly what the Captain had just said to him, he scrambles on his feet taking a seat on the only bed in the room. As soon as his bum rests on the soft duvet, he lowers his head, his gaze lingering on the new trousers and shiny boots that cover every piece of skin of his lower body.

He decides to play with his fingers, just to feel something and keep himself busy, not wanting to look any longer at Styles' tense shoulders. He hears the sound of clothes being removed, and yet still he doesn't dare to look up. Maybe it is better this way, maybe the lesser known Louis makes his presence, the better it will help to dissipate the Captain's wrath.

The thud of Styles' boots is heard around the room, the man's pace slow and careful. He stops just in front of where Louis is sat, staying there for two long seconds without saying or doing anything. The shorter man can feel his heated gaze on top of his head, but he still doesn't raise his head to look up, too nervous to be faced with whatever Styles' got going on his face.

Two long fingers are placed under his chin and his face gets raised, the rings feeling cold on his skin and the pace of his heartbeat gets even crazier than it already was. He looks up, Styles' face blank and calculating. Suddenly, his chin is grabbed with a little more force and the man gets closer.

"You think it's funny, don't you?" Styles' gravelly voice echoes around the room, and Louis flinches slightly.

He opens his mouth to speak, but the fingers around his chin squeeze harsher.

Styles speaks again, "You think it's funny walking around my ship, wearing his clothes, meanwhile you're mine? Acting as if I am not the only one who has the right to have a taste of your body? As if I am not the only one who has ever had you? The only one who will ever have you! What were you thinking, Louis? Hm?"

Louis shakes his head in denial quickly, deeply aching to speak up and tell him the truth, but Styles' eyes leave no place for objection. His back suddenly hits the duvet, his lips covered with plumper lips, kissing him fervently, the Captain's fingers still squeezing his chin to get him to open his mouth.

Louis does, and the man's tongue enters his own, licking into his mouth while an electric sensation spreads through his whole being. Styles' heavy and wide body covers his own, meanwhile, he gets in between Louis' thighs, grabbing each hip and raising Louis' legs to wrap them around his waist.

The Wrath of the Emerald Eyes | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now