|Chapter Eighteen|

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Harry has been passing the past four months, with very little sleep, and it appears as if finally it is showing

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Harry has been passing the past four months, with very little sleep, and it appears as if finally it is showing. The zing of adrenaline left on his body, that is making him move forward is that he knows where Pravus is. Harry does not have a plan on how he is going to take the man down, being left with a small crew. Nick had been kind enough to offer going with him, gathering some of his men explaining everything the Captain would need help with.

It takes days before they can set sail, their ship needing a lot of fixing. The hot summery weather not having any mercy on them, having them work on the ship on stuffy air, and sweaty backs. Harry does not like letting his crew suffer his own decisions, giving them the opportunity to not follow his path to most painful death. Not one of his men, backs down, determined to follow him everywhere, and Harry knows Louis' absence has made him such a cry baby, but his men never mention him or say anything about his decision.

It is a hot night, all of them gathered on deck, cups and bottles of rum surrounding them after another day of training and fighting, bodies sore, and knuckles bloody. Aaron is joking around with Nick, mock fighting even after a tiring day, and Harry doesn't find the strength in him to tell them to stop and let them enjoy the silence of the night.

Harry is looking at the sky when he hears shuffling on his side. He does not move or acknowledge it, does not even want to speak, so tired he feels.

It is Yao who talks to him first, bottle of rum in his hands, eyes shining from unshed tears, "It is unfair that the rest of the crew cannot be with us now," Yao says slowly, and it is the most words he has said at a time, Harry thinks.

"I know all of them would be here cheering you on, buzzing with joy of getting to Pravus, and slaughtering his neck," Yao continues.

Harry nods in agreement, swallowing before answering, "I know, it must feel unfair to you to lead the rest of us to the man that killed the rest of the crew. Mostly, because he took Louis with him. And you didn't even know there was something between me and him until Pravus took him."

Harry waits for screaming, for anger, but instead he receives a loud laughter from all of his men, not only Yao, including Nick.

Yao is the one to respond though, "Captain, I hate to pop your bubble, but all of us knew."

Harry widens his eyes, voice thin like paper, "What?"

The orange-haired man shakes his head, "You weren't exactly subtle, so to say. Especially, when Aaron showed up. We just did not care. All of us knew that you were so lonely before Louis. Sparing his life when you first met him was not that subtle of you either."

Harry opens his mouth to talk back, but Niall does not let him, "Fucking around does not make you feel less lonely when in the morning you'll still wake up alone. We knew you would start making a big deal out of it, trying with flailing arms to say that you and Louis meant nothing, so we just decided to keep silent instead. We were just happy you decided to share your bed with somebody else."

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