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recently i found out that stars don't twinkle. and it made me really sad. you go through your childhood listening to adults telling you how stars are beautiful; when you'd ask them why, they would answer ❝because they twinkle.❞ so you would stay up at night and watch stars twinkle; you would be so fascinated and amazed. how do they do that? how do they twinkle? how are they so beautiful? questions would be swirling inside your little head.

then you find out that they don't in fact twinkle. it was all a lie; everyone lied to you. you think your childhood is ruined. but wait, they don't twinkle but they're still beautiful. how is that possible?

because you believed that they were beautiful. you still believe that they are beautiful. you saw them as beautiful and even though they don't twinkle, they're still beautiful to you. they are still the same stars. they are still shining in the dark sky. they are still fascinating. they still amaze you. they still make you ask so many questions that will probably never be answered.

just because you find out some ugly truth about something, that doesn't ruin it. everything has an ugly truth behind it. but it's still the same thing. so don't be sad; don't be disappointed.

i was disappointed when i discovered an ugly truth behind the stars; but that didn't ruin the stars for me.



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