Chapter 4

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"You dipshit ! You were the one who was in front of Jungkook awhile ago. So why were you blaming me ? And besides, Jungkook is a grown man now, I'm sure he can handle himself." Suga said before plopping himself down the couch that adorned the big living room of the mansion.

"Do you expect me to look behind while I was driving ? I'm not that of a superman. What if I crashed on you genius. And it's not my fault if he got a shitty car from the airport." Jhope sassed back not missing to roll his eyes.

Namjoon and Jin only shook their heads at the bickering. Namjoon's phone began to buzz in his pants, getting the attention of his fiancé and the two.

"Its Jungkook." The dimpled man announced before frowning in the message he received.

"See? He can handle himself. I'm not even surprised if he shows up in here with a car on his tow." Suga said then chuckled at the thought. "I mean, he can even kill an army with just one look."

(Yep, I second on that Suga. He sure can.)

Jhope rolled his eyes for nth time.

"He said his on his way with my brother. I think his car broke near my grandma's house in the woods." Namjoon stated again, making Jin relax.

"That's a good thing to hear then." Jin replied, even though he knew Suga's words were true.

"I can imagine Jungkook sitting at the backseat of your brother's car, pouting and glaring at anyone." Jhope then added before laughing his ass off at the thought.

"Seriously man ? That's the only thing you can think now ?" Namjoon said before placing both of his hands on his hip. To which Jin thought was very sexy at the moment.

"What ? Its Jungkook we're talking about. You do know he hates having some help to anyone." Jhope replied then propped his feet at the shiny table in the center of the living room.

"Whether he liked it or not, he needed Taehyung's help or else he will still be stuck in the woods. And get your feet off the table or you'll never walk on those ever again." Namjoon said, stepping closer to Jin and wrapping his hands on his fiance's waist.

"You know its not true. I would likely think that if his car broke at the middle of the woods, even if he saw that house, he will literally walk his way here. With no ones help. So what made me think is that how come the Jungkook I know is now receiving help." Jhope then later stated with Suga looking at his direction.

"He has a point." Suga secondhanded.

After hearing the incredible conclusion of the unexpected Jhope, Namjoon and Jin only stared at each other. Sharing a knowing look.

Before they could even say what was on their mind, they heard a car being pulled over at the front, making them all step outside to see who it was.

A black car was parked, and in it came Taehyung exiting the car in his black bomber jacket and tattered black jeans. Not forgetting the bandana he wore as his signature style. His boxy smile could literally light up the whole town, his soft handsome face can melt every girls heart. He waved at his Hyung before the front seat door opened to reveal Jungkook with his black dress shirt, a few buttons opened, paired with tight black jeans and dark brown timberlands. A frown on his face just added to his dark handsome features that intimidates every one who sees him but will admire his undeniable charisma.

"Wow, I've never seen such grand entrance like that. Are they literally doing the slow mo ?" Jhope monotonously said that Suga shrugged off.

"No, but wait for it." Namjoon stated, not failing to return the wave at his younger brother who rounded the car and went to the back seat to open the door.

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