Chapter 17

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Jimin and Jungkook arrived at the coffee shop where Jin and Namjoon was waiting and having their own cups of coffee.

Upon arriving, the two was immediately greeted by the olders and Jimin were pulled into a tight hug with a tearful Jin.

"Oh Jiminie, I was so worried about you!" Jin said ,tucking Jimin's face in his chest while arms tightly around the boy.

"Jiminie, you really got us worried." Namjoon followed.

Jimin pulled away from the hug, head hung low. Ashamed at what he had done.
Looking back from the actions he clumsily just decided to do was really something that he just wanted to smack the shit out of him.

"I'm sorry hyungs. I really didn't mean to worry you that much. Please forgive me."
Jimin stated, tears pooling in his eyes as he cant take the idea of his hyung being mad at him.

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other and Jin was the one who pulled the younger in a hug again, soothing circles in Jimin's back to comfort him.

"Its okay Jimin-ah, were not mad at you. We're just really worried about you that something might have happened when you decided to come here all by yourself, without us knowing."

Jin assured him but while saying that he was looking directly at Jungkook who has an impassive look on his face, watching the drama in front of him uninterested.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and darted his attention to the menu being placed in the table they were occupying.

"I'm really sorry hyung." Jimin hugged Jin tightly and pulled away.

"Its okay now Jimin-ah. As long as you're fine now."

Jin wiped the big fat tears in Jimin's cheeks and kissed the younger's temple before patting his arms.
Namjoon also hugged the younger lightly before ruffling his hair that looks so soft in the warm light of the coffee shop.

"Can we just eat now ? Jimin and I still haven't had any breakfast, you know."
Jungkook's annoyed tone came up and Jin just wanted to smack the younger but decided not to just for Jimin's innocent eyes.

Namjoon and Jin didn't even get to say something back when Jungkook pulled Jimin in a chair beside him and then back to looking at the menu. They looked at each other again and shrugged it , sitting to their own chairs opposite the youngers.

"What do you wanna eat Jiminie ?" Jin asked the raven haired boy.

Jimin still had his head hung low but now slightly smiling up. The boy peek from behind his bangs at his side where Jungkook was and looked back down to his lap.

Jimin then shrugged his shoulders and pouted before looking up to the two across.

"You need to eat Jimin-ah. You can't starve yourself." Namjoon said and gave Jimin the menu.

But Jungkook took it and set it aside then he leaned back to his chair, crossing his arms in his chest.

"I'll order for him." And averted his eyes to the view outside since they all seated beside the glass window.

Jin narrowed his eyes on Jungkook before going all soft when he turned too Jimin.

"Would that be okay with you Jiminie ?"

Jimin meet Jin's eyes and nodded cutely before going back to playing with his sweater paws that Namjoon and Jin find so cute. He looks so warm and huggable, if he was in a anime he would be seen with twinkling light around him and hopping cute bunnies with other cute things in the background.

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