Chapter 13

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The next morning, Jungkook found his arm stiff and his chest heavy, making him having a hard time breathing and when a sweet smell invaded his nose ,he quickly opened his eyes only to see Jimin curled up to him and snuggling in his chest like a child.

Soft snores coming out from his parted lips and the heat that radiated from his small body tells Jungkook that the fever had finally come down.

He didn't know how Jimin ended up there but when he thinks of the possible reasons he couldn't help but coo at the small boy.

He lifted his hand and caressed Jimin's hair, although it was sticking out in different directions to his it only added to the boy's cuteness.

"Wake up." Jungkook gently nudged the boy to which Jimin whined.

Jungkook cupped Jimin's cheeks but upon doing so he was surprised of how soft they were and squishy. He cleared his throat and tried to shake the boy up.

"Come on wake up, I have to get to work." Jungkook said in a stern voice.

Jimin shifted and nodded lightly before sitting up on top of Jungkook. He swayed from side to side from the sleepiness. Jungkook couldn't help but find it really cute as the boy was still half asleep and rubbing his eyes cutely. Pout was still visible because he was woken up early.

He tapped Jimin's thigh, indicating for the boy to get up so he could get up too.

"Come one, let's have breakfast first."

Jimin nodded, eyes still close, and leaned in to Jungkook. Jimin pecked Jungkook's lips and got up and made his way to the dinning table only to slumped down on the chair and leaned his head on the table.

Jungkook, who was surprised by the morning kiss he had received, quirked his brows up and also followed the younger in the dinning area.

He found Jimin still sleepy so he made the coffee first before staring to cook something. As he was turning the brewing machine, he thought to himself if it was fine for Jimin to drink it.

He dialed onto his phone and waited for the ringing to end. The doctor accepted.

"Yes ,Mr Jeon." A groggy voice came.

"Is coffee okay for Jimin ?" Jungkook said, eyeing the small boy who was sleepily looking up to Jungkook.

"Uhmm...n-no. No, anything that is bitter and strong. He's not allowed into those. And softdrinks. Juice or hot chocolate is more suitable." The doctor said.

"Okay. That's all." And Jungkook hung up.

He made his way to the cupboards and made Jimin a cup of hot chocolate.

He sets it in the table and shook the younger again.

"Drink this, it will help you." And Jimin nodded and reached for the mug but Jungkook took it away.

"Be careful, its hot."

Jimin nodded again and reached for it carefully, he started to sip on it while Jungkook was watching.

Jimin instantly drank the whole thing and looked up to Jungkook.

"Morning..." he whispered, not noticing the chocolate that smeared on his chin.

Jungkook shook his head and uncrossed his arms from his chest, he approached the smaller boy and nudged his chin up.

"You got something here."

He then licked the chocolate from down Jimin's chin up to his lips, kissing the boy intentionally. Jimin was struck to his seat ,eyes wide and lips being devoured by Jungkook.

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