Chapter 11

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"Mister please, I need to talk to him. Just for a second, please."

Jimin pleaded but the men paid him no mind and they left him outside, drenched in the rain once again as he stood in front of the now guarded entrance of the building.

"Come on kid, the boss already gave you a chance to live. Don't waste it." A slightly buff man said before joining the other inside.

Jimin shivered and hugged himself. Tears are now mixing with the water droplets from the pouring rain. He looked at his right and left, people under umbrellas and some running to get themselves somewhere to dry, aside from him who was standing still in the middle of the cold rain.

It was when he realized that he has nowhere to go. He's not even familiar of the place and he can't afford to hail another ride because he was already out of money.

He clutched on his small bag. He was sure the clothes he brought were also wet, the phone Taehyung gave to him was dead long ago, having nowhere to charge it.

He looked up to the building once again.

"Maybe I can try next time." He softly mumbled.

Jimin walked off to the sidewalk, lips starting to change its hue to a bluish one. His cheeks reddened even more as heat started to increase despite the cold he was feeling.

He was walking with his head hung low, hugging himself in attempt to warm himself a little but it was no avail as he was wet from head to toe.

People he passes by glanced at his way, murmuring something he doesn't know, he kept walking and walking until he stopped at a deserted pedestrian lane.

The thought of Taehyung crosses his mind. Tears flowed even more.

He should have never left the town. He should have never left Taehyung.

He knew Jungkook wont react the way he imagined for days but he still tried to get there and face the man. But now, here he was, walking in the rain, cold and shivering, proving him all wrong.

Facing Jungkook was already a great struggle to him, he was just reminded him of that night. But he manned up faced his fears just for the sake of his baby.

He knew what it feels to be lonely and not having parents and he didn't want that for his baby. He wasn't asking for anything but just to let Jungkook acknowledge the baby as his and even maybe meet with him/her in the future once or twice just not to make the child think he/she doesn't have a father.

Jimin sniffled. Who was he fooling ?

None of that will ever happen. Not with the baby's father treating him like that already.

He doesn't even want to see his face. It was as if he was a stranger to Jungkook. After all he suffered. He was nobody to him.

Jimin then pulled out of his thoughts when a beep resonated, the green light turned on indicating they can now cross the road but as he came at the middle of it he started swaying.

His vision became blurry again, not the consistent tears but because of the dizziness he felt all day long.

The ground begin to shake and people who was already on the other side doubled. Just as he was about to take one step , blackness started to spread in his line of vision and suddenly his small frail body collapsed in the middle of the road.

The last thing he heard was a loud screech of the car tires before he lost his consciousness.

Everyone huddled over the boy but no one seems to make a move to help the fainted younger. Then a figure came running towards the boy and immediately scooped up the small body in his arms before going back to the black Mercedes that was parked a few steps away.

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