What's it like?

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„I'll be your reason to live!" He said. I swallow nervously, tense my whole body and look at him worried. Is he completely insane?

„Is this a fucking confession?! Shut the hell up!" I shout in response and sit back down on my bed.

„Stop this, both of you. Bakugou- are you serious about declining him as your donor? I mean this is the reason you're on the list and the hospital can't possibly just let you die." Aizawa explains. God I hate that he's always right and just never lets me be an asshole. I correct my beanie, so it doesn't slip off my head and shows that I'm bold. Doesn't actually matter, everyone knows, but still- I feel more comfortable having it on. „Bakugou." Aizawa repeats warningly.

„Fuck." I just whisper in response, looking over to the side, over to the tv. Kirishima steps back again, his eyes glossy.

„I just want to help." Why is he so determined about this?? Just why?? I don't understand it!?

„Will you leave me, if I say yes!?"
„Um- don't you need my bone marrow?"

„I meant leaving my room, you example of a retard."

„Oh- sure. If it's what you like." Aizawa's face surprisingly seems to be soft, even smiling a little while watching both me and Kirishima argue. Even though I'm the only one arguing...

„So it's done. You have a donor, congratulations. I'll set the event in three weeks, until then, get to know each other better. It's healthy for you to be in a good relationship with your donor, Bakugou. Consider it." Aizawa doesn't give me the chance to answer disrespectfully, because he leaves directly, pulling Kirishima with him. They close the door and the last thing I hear is Aizawa asking him for a talk. What are they going to talk about!? Why leaving me now with such a cliffhanger! Fuck them! Both of them! What are they going to say!? Okay, fucking chill. Whatever, right? It's always: whatever...

Outside, mister doctor Aizawa pulls me along until we are two hallways away from Bakugou's room. I look at him confused, while he slowly lets go of my hand, standing in front of me. His shoulders raise and lower, he sighs, then turns around to me.

„You wanted to talk, sir?" I ask nervously, covering my body, touching the other arms' elbow.

„Bakugou- is really a good kid, I promise you."

„Sir, I-"

„Please, help him get out of this situation. He acts tough, but there have always been moments where the toughness was just a facade. He needs help, not only physically, but mentally. He needs a friend. I don't know how much more time he can spend being alone. Even for someone like him, it's- crucial to not have anyone to talk to, doesn't matter about what."

„I kn-"

„And I need you for this. Being his donor is one incredible choice you made. Being the perfect match is one incredible miracle and especially knowing him from school is incredibly- unbelievable. I'm sorry I'm putting this on you, but frankly, I put a liking to this young man. I don't want him to die. Don't tell him though, I'm his doctor. But I am scared he will die without having any great experiences and feelings, except sadness and sorrow. So I'm begging you- help him!"

I did not expect that. A doctor actually caring for his patient, especially Bakugou. Even if he's only his doctor, Aizawa knows that Bakugou can be good. I know it, too.

„I promise you, I'll do anything to make him happy. It shall be my responsibility for the next two months!"

„What about after that? Won't you have time at all?" Aizawa sounds so desperate, it kind of hurts me, that Bakugou even affected his doctor like that. What I wonder.. Aizawa kind of acts like he's his father, but where are his parents actually? Shouldn't they be here, holding his hand, advising him to accept me as his donor?

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