A thing between just us

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!ATTENTION! There will be NSFW in the middle, written in italic (since people asked me to lmao)

November 1st, Thursday

I come home from college late at night, exhausted, but bought food on the way for Bakugou and me. He'll be waiting in the living room, sitting on the couch while watching some random tv show. He'll be so excited to see me with spicy curry! He loves curry, so there is no way he would decline my offer. My hand moves on the knob of the entrance door to open it up, just to see an empty room with only the small dim light above the hotplate, flickering weakly. The tv is not switched on, there's no sound at all inside the apartment, which makes me worry. Bakugou feels way too lonely, if he doesn't have anything sounding around, so why did he turn everything off? Is he sleeping already, even though it's only 10pm? If I think about it, he's in the middle of his treatment, so he's probably tired and I should just leave the curry in the fridge for tomorrow.

Slowly, I make my way through the entrance room to the living room, walking past it to the kitchen. On my way, I catch a minimal look of the living room, the couch and the tv in front of it. When I turn my head back to face the kitchen, I frown. Something's odd.

Moving my head back to the living room, I see something laying on the ground in the shadows. My eyes rip open, trying to see slight contours in this distance, but it's no good. Quickly, I throw my hand to the wall where the light switch is and see the figure on the ground. It's Bakugou. He lays on it, crooked, pale, his eyes are a little opened. My body starts trembling, and the curry falls out of my hand, crashing to the ground with the food falling out of the boxes and spreading through the wooden planks. Directly, I sprint over to him, sweat running down my forehead and the fear in my heart aches. My body throws itself next to him on the ground, falling on my knees. His skin is completely pale, there's a huge puddle of blood right next to his mouth and his eyes are a little opened, pupils rolled back. The sight of him makes me scream, so loud that my sight gets blurred and I don't know what to do or say. I keep screaming his name, louder and louder, trying to shake him awake- but it's... too late. He's dead.

I get woken up by a heavy rattle from next to me, forcing me to open my eyes to check what's going on. Kirishima lays next to me in my bed, moving his body around in his sleep, his face twisted in pain, even tears flow down his temples, his body covered with sweat and his whole muscles tensed against the mattress. I move over to him directly, raising my eyebrows in grief and try to wake him up. He seems to be suffering a lot, probably a really bad dream. I put my hands on top of his shoulders and start moving them around, whispering his name. He moans loudly in agony, knits his eyebrows strongly, then rips his eyes open- finally.

„BAKUGOU!" He screams directly, not even facing me, but staring into the blank nothing of my room. His chest trembles up and down, his breath is irregular, way to quick and strong. Rattling myself up, I knee next to him, my hands on his chest and shoulder, worried expression. He finally begins to adjust his eyes to the darkness and probably sees my silhouette.

Thereupon, the almost round eyes of his, narrow to small slices, leaving a little space for his pupil and the tears that manage to make their way out. He starts crying, loudly without a warning. He shouts, gasps and screams in pain, while holding his hands in front of his face, trying to cover it. I twist my face quizzical, not knowing what to do and how to act. So I remember what he did when I was completely out of myself. He calmed me down, as soft as possible, held me in his arms and whispered that everything will be alright and that he's here. So I grab Kirishima's torso and pull it up to my naked chest, feeling his sweaty shoulder against it and the sound of his cries intensifying in my ears.

„Kirishima... What happened!? I mean- it'll be fine. I'm here, please, calm down and talk to me." I whisper, but it's barely hearable through the loud sobbing and whining of the redhead. He doesn't manage to get an answer out of his mouth, so I try again. „Eijirou, shitty hair, what- what's wrong, talk to me!?" It's so hard to sound affectionate for me, but I'm trying to give it my best. Though Kirishima doesn't reply to anything. His body feels way too hot, his hands move around his face, wiping away tears, which just form again directly. Sniffing and gulping, he lets out these painful sounds, which shatter my heart in pieces. Twisting my face, there's only one thing left to do to calm him down.

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