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Zach's Pov

I wake up and look around. Oh..I guess I fell asleep. I turn around to see Daniel and Jonah. Jack looks at me and nudges me awake.

"Finally your awake. Took you long enough sleepy head." he whispers.

"S-sory" I yawn and stretch. I still couldn't stop thinking about Daniel and how he kissed me. It startled me, but I liked it. I liked it a lot. The bell rings and its time for the next period which is Math. I head over to Math and take a seat with Jack.

"Oh class hold it!" she says. "You guys will have assigned seats now!" "Jack with Donathan...Jonah with Matthew...Corbyn with Joshua...Kelly with Robbecca...Daniel with Zach...*other list of random names*

After I heard my name get called I froze. I'm gonna be working at the same table as Daniel. Could this get any worse! No, not possible. I take a seat in the back and he joins me. I berry my head into my arms and slowly fall asleep. He moves the table and I fall out my chair.

"HAHA!" he says with his annoying laugh he always uses when he's laughing at you.

"Hey! Your gonna pay for-"

"Mr. Herron and Seavey please settle down and take your seats! Fix that table immediately! Also, you two will be seeing me after class!" she says with a furious face.

Daniel and I both stare at each other other in dismay. Great..it did get worse. The bell rings and Daniel and I both go up to Ms. Mitchel. She doesn't seem very happy.

"I have a question for you boys take a seat." I sit down. Daniel still standing.

"Mr. Seavey please take a seat."

"Do you mind if I stand, I focus better while standing." He's totally lying. But of course she buys his act.

"Fine. Only if you focus better. Anyway, I've noticed that there has been something going on between you two. Like some rivalry, but I don't care what it is. I don't want it happening in my classroom. So, to get to know you better and to get to know each other better. You guys will be given a project and learn about each other. I want a full 5 paged essay written. This will be due at the end of the year. Hopefully by then you will treat one another with respect."

Are you serious! I can't work with Daniel! Well at least not this Daniel! How could my life get any worse! "Yea ok..I'm sorry for disturbing your class Ms. Mitchel" 

"It's perfectly all right just don't let it happen again. And you Mr. Seavey do you have anything to say?"

"Yea, I sorry I will do my best to not interrupt your class as well. Also, thank you so much your an amazing teacher by the way." He is such a kiss up. I swear after this I can't wait to beat his ass!

"Ok go on home now boys, see you next week."

We both say bye and leave. Of course I run cause I don't trust Daniel. I was right not to cause he runs full speed toward me. I run out the door and toward the bus and sit down. He comes to the back where I am and sits next to me.

"Come over to my place so we can work on the dumb project ok?"

I nod in response and he walks up to sit with Jonah in his normal spot. Jack comes to sit by me and off we go. Is it bad that I'm excited to see Daniel's house and especially his room?

This chapter is shorter but the next one will be much longer and a lot better ;))

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