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Zach's Pov

I flutter my eyes open and am woken up by pain jolting everywhere on my body. I try and move, but I'm stuck. I start to look around, once my vision starts to come clear. I turn my head and see Daniel unconcious bleeding extremly. "D-daniel-" I say wincing from the pain. 

"Don't worry 911 is coming your gonna be okay! Just sit tight!" I hear a unfamiliar voice say. I'm hurting so bad. I think my leg is broken and there is glass everywhere, some sticking into me. Nothing hurts more than seeing Daniel not waking up.

"Daniel..please w-wake up" I say feeling a warm tear fall stinging my face a bit. I start to hear sirens and my vision starts to become blurry again as more tears start to run down my face. "We are going to get you out of here, just try and relax" I nod tryng to control my breathing.

They open the car door gently trying not to move the car too much. They reach in and unbuckle me. They do their best trying to drag me out. I wince in pain as they move my broken leg outside the car. Then with my othe rleg following. They pick me up and place me on a strectcher. They strap me in and count to three before I am lifted off the ground an put in an ambulence.

I hear the doors shut and I start to sob even more. I've never been so scared and alone in my life.


Its been about 2 days since the accident and Daniel still hasn't woken up from his coma. I always visit him in his room and hold his hand telling him all the stuff we are going to do as soon as he wakes up.

I broke my leg and I have a slight concusion, but the doctors want to keep an eye on me, which is why I haven't been reliesed yet. Its night time and I hop out of my hospital bed and hop over to my wheel chair.

I take a seat and roll toward the door. I look both ways making sure no one was there. I'm not suposed to be up at this time. I make my way down the hall and to Daniel's room where he is resting. I open his door quietly, making sure no one hears me.

I roll in and then shut it back closed. I open his curtains and see him lying there lifeless on his bed. I would be crying right now like I usually did, but I had no more tears left. I bring his hnd into mine and caress it softly.

"Your an idiot you know that?" I say jokingly looking up at him. "You should've kep tour eye on the road. I'm not blaming you though, because you weren't the one who ran the red light." I take a deep shaky breathe.

"I- I know your gonna wake up soon and its gonna be amazing. Just us two together laughing and smiling holding each others hands as we walk places and kiss in public like couples do. I miss your precious smile and your blue eyes-" I feel my voice crack and a tear run down my face.

"I miss your horrible humor that gets me so annoyed, I miss your watermellon cravings, I miss your arms wrapped around my waist every night when we sleep, I miss they way you always looked at me, the way no one else has ever done. I miss everything that we used to do together.."

I start to wipe the tears from off my face. "Most of all I miss the way you loved me and cared for me. Like I was the only person you could and would ever love. I never thought I could be this happy, and I thank you for that Daniel..I really thank you." I rest my head down on his hand. 

I start to hear a beeping noise and I shoot my head up. I look at his heart rate and see its going down. "Daneil! Daniel! Don't leave me! Don't you dare leave me!" It starts to go down even faster. I see his door bust open and doctors start to flood in one by one.

Someone starts pulling my wheelchair away. "No!" I get up from my chair almost stumbling I try and fight to get to him. I fight and fight, but they keep pushing me back toward the door. "No! Let go of me! He can't leave me yet! He can't..."

I feel more tears fall down my face as I see doctors do their best to bring hsi heart rate up. Before they are able to push my out I hear the sound I can never erase. His monitor stopped. There on the screen was a thin line.

The line indicating what I feared the most. The line I never thought I would see in my life time. I stop fighting and the pushing stopped. They let go of me and I fall to the ground. A stream of never ending tears flowing toward the ground. 

I loved him more than anything.

I needed him more than anything.

Before I even knew it, I was in too deep and head over heels for my bully.

Daniel Seavey.


Eigthteen year old Daniel James Seavey pronouned dead within his comma.


The End.

I started crying during this ending. I'm so sorry, just know that I love you guys.

Thank you so much for reading In Too Deep.

Again I'm sorry.

~ AJ

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