Autumn's Letter

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Dear Papa and Ember,

Please don’t mourn me, please. I’m writing to you because I know I will not live. Why? Because I’m going to take down the Capitol. They are going to suffocate and die because their lifeline of power will drain. How will I do this? By saving Katniss Everdeen, District 12. Why her? Because her father was part of the Rebellion and so am I. You don’t understand the horrible things Snow and his henchmen have done. Besides allowing the Games to continues, I mean. They have genetically changed things. They’ve made nightlock look like blueberries. They’ve turned anything edible into poison. The only thing I can trust is what my sponsors give me. I just have to survive until the top three, as long as Katniss is still there. That is my mission.

I would never give up, Ember. You know that. But if Katniss does not succeed, then the Games will go on, and you could be Reaped. This thing is bigger than just me Ember, please understand that. I can’t let you go through this process as well. I just can’t. I love you.

So please don’t mourn me. I’ll die for a good cause, and I’ll be with Phoebe again. All I’m asking is for you to carry on, and visit me and Phoebe in the desert.

 Papa, I love you. I don’t want you to lose your second daughter, but if I don’t die, you might lose your last. Please move on, and please find a girlfriend. It’s really pathetic when you are up by yourself and don’t have anyone to talk to because you don’t want to wake me up. I love you.

 Please cremate my body because I don’t want you to have to stare at me during the wake. Mostly because I have no idea what state I’ll be in. Please spread my ashes around the desert. It’s my home and it’s where I belong.

Just put a marker next to Phoebe so even though my body isn’t there, you will have something to look at. 

I love you both so, so much.


Autumn Rosalie Sillens


 I read over my last words to my family. I take a deep breath as I fold the letter and put it into the envelope, which I put under my pillow. I just wish to God that Snow doesn’t find out and hurt my family instead of me. I know I’m putting my family in danger, but they have to know the truth of my actions. With my thoughts free of my head, I turn off the light and go to sleep.

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