Chapter Seventeen

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I spend almost an entire day in the den. I come out just to check my surroundings and replenish my supplies. I have only one dried fruit and veggie packet left. I’ve been living off of the roots and berries that I’ve found, and the protein bars, but I really need to get some better nutrition. I’m starting to feel the affects of the Games when I’m not on an adrenaline rush, and that worries me. A lot.

Tonight, the anthem reports no deaths. Instead of disappearing into the fake night sky, the holy sound of trumpets follow the ending.

Trumpets only mean one thing: an announcement. Since there were no deaths, the Gamemakers are probable getting bored, and would love some excitement. There will probably be a feast of food that will entice us all to show up, and then we can all kill each other. Great.

Claudius Templesmith’s voice rings out and echoes across the Arena. “Congratulations to the six final tributes! Well done, all of you! Now, we’ve decided to change some rules a bit. There is always a chance to start a new trend, and we believe this will be very enticing! Under this new rule, if there are two surviving tributes from the same district, the will both be declared victors!” Templesmith repeats himself. This doesn’t really affect me, except now I know Katniss will be off to find Peeta… Which means the Careers will be as well so they can find Katniss better.

The next day, I leave the safety of my den and start to wander towards the Cornucopia. There won’t be any deaths today: Cato and the last Career girl are in the same district, and Katniss is looking for Peeta, so they will be preoccupied with finding each other and planning what their next move will be. I do have to watch out for the guy from Rue’s district - Thresh is his name, I think. Last time I caught a glimpse was at the bloodbath on the first day. He ran off towards the opposite woods than I did. I assume that is his territory, so as long as I stay away from there, I should be safe.

The next few days are the same: sleep, wake, gather, eat, drink, change locations, and repeat. Each day, the temperature increases, but doesn’t get any hotter than the desert back home. As I take off my hoodie and throw it in my pack, and feel a lot more comfortable, and even a little homey. With out heavy clothes, I feel more like I’m back home, and the shoes help. Throughout the Games, it still feels like I’m not wearing any. I can sense almost everything I step on, even though the shoes are sturdy. Honestly, everyone would be joyful if they got these shoes… along with all the other luxuries of the Capital. 

One of the days when I changed locations, I heard voices: two of them, actually. It was near the stream that has big pools. I quietly fill up my water and collect herbs and roots near the stream, while I travel closer to the voices. Terrified that it might be Cato with the other girl, I take tentative steps that are ready to change directions if I need to haul my ass out of there.

The closer I get, the quicker I realize that these voices are coming from a cave. One’s a girl, and the other is a boy - who sounds extremely ill. They are talking about goats of all things. The only two people that would do that would be… Katniss and Peeta! I stopped myself before I could rush to them and hug them, and instead leave quietly. My stress levels dropped suddenly, because I know that Peeta will protect Katniss, even if he’s injured.

As I make my way back into the woods, trumpets sound once more, proclaiming another announcement. Claudius Templesmith declares, “Attention all tributes: there will be a feast occurring. There will be food, among other things.” I start to decide that I don’t need food: I still have plenty of berries, and with the games coming to an end, Seneca Crane will send me some protein with what ever message I need. Or, Jane might even hope that I can beat this, and send in some treats. Claudius Templesmith continues, “Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately.

“Each of you will find that something in a backpack, marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance.” Announcement done.

I’m going. That’s an easy decision. I am one hundred per cent sure that Seneca Crane will be giving me directions this way. I’ve made it this far, and no way will he risk being discovered in helping me. Another cryptic note will draw attention. But a feast, well that's perfectly acceptable. I'm expected to receive something. I make my way from the stream to the Cornucopia, hoping to find shelter so I can get enough sleep. I’ll need all my energy to get away, or fight, tomorrow at dawn. I’ll probably get there an hour early so I can run, grab, and get out before anyone tries to get me.

The Gamemakers have truly made the temperatures imitate a desert climate. Hot days, cold nights. As I double check that I still have my hoodie and blanket, I’m finally starting to feel comfortable in this death trap. It will be like dying right at home.

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