Chapter Twelve

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I’m awoken by a girl Avox with brown hair, even though it looks like it should be more red. She gently rubbed my shoulder to awake me to go to the hovercraft. I swear she looks extremely familiar, but don’t say anything about it since I don’t want her to get into trouble. Sean and I are escorted by eight peacekeepers to the roof where the hovercraft is waiting. We go onto the ladder and a magnetic force keeps us attached. We receive trackers in our forearms and are led to other rooms. There, our last food we’re sure to see is waiting. I eat an apple, an energy bar, and drink a lot of water. The hovercraft lands, and I go to the door. I’m lead to an elevator that brings me down to the room under the Arena. The Tube of Death stares me down, waiting to bring me up to hell.

The clothes are waiting for me, and I’m surprised to see the Avox who woke me up this morning is there with me. She helps me into the Arena clothes that are what the others will be wearing: brown shirt (possible woodland layout?), with pants, jacket, brown belt with spots for knives, all things that are meant for movement. The black hoodie is laced with reflectors to keep me warm at night by reflecting my body heat back to me. Boots feel so natural, it’s like I’m not wearing them, only they have treads for gripping the ground - good for running. The clothes are very nice, so at least I’ll die comfortably.

I put my hair into two side buns because I know this style is Ember’s favorite. I thank the Avox, who pulls out a letter. I open it quickly because I don’t have much time. It’s from Roberto”


I wish I could be with you, but I felt that Sean needed me more. You will do wonderfully, and I will get you sponsors. Good luck.

Here is a saying from home “Giù con il Campidoglio’


I know what the "saying from home" meant. I'm shocked; Roberto too? I swear, Panem will crumble after these games. I turn it over to check the back, just incase, and there is handwriting. Not Roberto’s, not Gloria’s, or Petunia’s. I haven’t seen this handwriting four years. Phoebe.

It’s me. I’m alive. The Rebellion helped me fake my death, and now I’m an Avox so I can help the Rebellion even more by finding out information and reporting it, even though I can’t talk. I love you, Umn. I wish it wasn’t like this, but it is, and I can’t stop it. Please save Katniss, for the Rebellion needs her. I wish I could have seen you more, but Seneca would only let me wake you up this morning and see you before you go. You are so brave, Autumn, and I love you. I only wish I could be seeing you on the other side. Hell, I probably will, since the Capitol will find this out and execute me. See you soon, Umn.


I look at the Avox girl. I want to kick myself for not seeing Phoebe before. My brain has played so many tricks on me before, seeing Phoebe in everyone, with or without red hair. My mind didn’t want me to go through the pain of realizing that whatever girl I saw wasn’t Phoebe.

“Phebes?” I whisper, she nods, and I grab her in a hug. I can’t express what I’m feeling. Anger that she couldn’t reach out sooner, happy that I can see her again, furious that I’m seeing her right before my death, and that I’m seeing her and Ember isn’t, and that I won’t see both Phoebe and Mom when I die. I’ll just see Mom, but the thought of seeing Phoebe again made me more determined than seeing Mom again. I barely remember Mom; it’s horrible, but true. 

“I love you, Phebes. I want you to come with me on our next adventure, but I’m not that selfish. Try to survive. Panem is falling. Maybe you’ll see Ember, both of you alive. I love you so much,” I hug her again.

Phoebe just nods, because talking is impossible. The Capitol cuts out a traitor’s tongue, and labels them as a servant, so they can’t do anything to tear the government apart. Although I’m sure she wouldn’t be able to say anything anyways even if she could. 

“Ten seconds.” A female voice comes on. Ten seconds to get into the tube. Ten seconds till I’m out of time. I hug Phoebe for the last time, and I step into the tube which closes shut, blocking out all sound. Phoebe is crying, as the tube ascends. We keep eye contact until my death tube leaves the room. I’m surprised I’m holding it together so far. 

I’m encompassed in darkness, and I shut my eyes. There’s nothing to see anyway. My eyelids are pierced with bright sunlight, much like back at home. I open my eyes, and they quickly adjust. I can see the other tributes, and they are all trying hard to see.

I already have an advantage. We all stand on podiums equidistant to the Cornucopia - more like the Corn-of-Death. The biggest bloodbath happens right here, right now. That shiny, silver, reflecting thing is in the middle of the Arena. I see a lake ahead, and woods all around.

I hear Claudius Templesmith announce:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 74th Hunger Games begin!”

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