Chapter Thirteen

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One minute. Sixty seconds. Eternity.

I have to make sure I don’t step off, or else I’ll get blown up. I know that the Cornucopia is a beacon of my demise, but I have to get a pack in order to survive. I’ll grab a backpack, and run into the woods. Run as far as I can and find a safe place to hide. Then pick plants since Seneca Crane promised me they would be originals. Grab a pack, haul my ass out of there, and go to the woods. Listen for a stream, look at the rocks for clues of water. Too many will go to the lake.

The gong goes off.

I run.

I grab a pack.

Screams. So many.

As I’m running, I see the girl from District 2 going at Katniss. I’m about to stop, but Katniss takes off, and uses her bag as a shield. I’m running as fast as possible, and I see Sean on the ground. Dead. An axe is next to him, bloody. Run, Autumn, mourn later. I hold back a gag, and keep running.

My instinct is to follow Katniss, but Seneca told me to do the opposite. If she’s in trouble, he said he’d send me a parachute. I assume that will have something to help me quickly locate Katniss. I follow Seneca’s orders. Katniss heads right, I head left, going in zigzags to make my trail harder to follow. I’ve run farther than I ever have run before, I've run faster than I've ever run before, but I don’t stop. I eventually give into my dying legs and slow down. It’s starting to get dark, and I have to find shelter, and this is a forest ecosystem. Not a desert one.

I see a large tree to my right. I could climb it, but I’ve never been very good at climbing. But at the base of the tree is an interesting bush. It’s bent ever so slightly inward. I place my hand on the berry bush, and push inward. Trunk. I move my hand downward. Space. A den. Praying that there isn’t a wolf in there, I go inside. My eyes adjust to the low light, and it’s obvious that what ever was here has been gone for sometime now. I make sure my entrance is completely covered, and I go to the way back of the den, so if anyone does look at the bush, they won’t see my red hair. I pull my black hoodie up, not because I’m cold, but hoping it will hide my hair. I open up my pack to see if there is anything useful:

(4) Dried veggie/fruit/nut packages   

(4) Knives

(1) Water bottle - full (Extremely unexpected, so thanks, I guess.)

(1) Blanket with heat reflectors.

I’ll eat the food if I can’t find native plants. I take two sips of water and put it away. There is a filter attached so I know that the water from streams will be fine. Again, thank you, Capitol, for letting me know that my water won’t kill me.

 The air quickly turns cold, so I’m glad I have a blanket. There’s a little space in the leaves over my entrance, that I can see the sky. Hopefully I’m far enough in the shadows to hide myself. I hear the anthem playing, and I brave myself to see Sean’s face. The seal appears in the sky, and eleven cannon shots go up, for the eleven fallen tributes. That means eleven faces will appear.

The Fallen:

Girl from District 3

Boy form District 4


Both from District 6

Both from District 7

Boy from District 8

Both from District 9

Girl from District 10

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