Chapter Ten

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I want to say yes. I want to say, "I’m part of the resistance!" I want to scream, “DOWN WITH THE CAPITOL!”

But I don’t.

For obvious reasons.

“Come on, Autumn.” He says. “Tell me. Say, ‘Seneca Crane, Cinna has recruited me for the Rebellion!’” I say nothing in response. I don’t want to get Cinna in trouble. But then Seneca Crane says something that changes my mind: “Okay, Autumn. I have turned off the camera. You need to make sure that Katniss Everdeen from District 12 lives. Oh, and I sent your letter.”

He was in my room, is all I’m thinking. He knows what’s going through my mind and he says, quietly, “An Avox gave it to Cinna, who passed it on to me. I can send small letters and objects without suspicions. After all, I am really the one who decides who wins and who dies.”

What does he mean? Who wins and who dies? It must be because he controls the environment, right? How can I trust him? Isn't he the reason that Phoebe?

It's time to let it go, Autumn.

“Okay.” I say out loud. I then repeat what he asked me to say earlier.

Seneca Crane smiled. Sincerely.

“Autumn, I’m the only Gamemaker that is against Snow. I’ll try to make the Arena perfect for Katniss. That means the plants and animals will be the originals. If not, I’ll send you a sign. A bird, probably a mockingjay, that’s repeating the same word over and over. Something that will have to do with you, personally. Also I’ll persuade the others to lower your score so you’re not a target. Not many Tributes are with us, so I want you alive as long as possible. Oh, and don’t be following her. That will become suspicious. If something happens, I’ll send a parachute.”

I nod. I suddenly gain the courage I need in order to ask an important question. 

“When do you want me to die?” It still comes out as a whisper. Seneca gets a faraway look in his eyes.

“I’ll send you a sign. If you feel like you need to do so to make sure Katniss doesn’t before the sign, then do it. Thank you, Autumn. I wish we wouldn’t have to do this, but the Games are a message from hell, and we have to beat it.” Seneca and I walk to a second door that leads to the elevator. I shake is hand as I step on and we share a moment of silence. Everything has been said, and everything still has questions.

Sean tries to get answers about my test, but I don’t say anything. I try to get him to open up about his plans in the Arena, but he doesn’t. We’re at a stalemate, and neither of us plan on surrendering soon.

We gather around the T.V. and wait for our scores. Soon the Panem Anthem comes on, and Celeste looks extremely proud. She’s even humming along - it’s unbelievable.

One by one, our faces show up, then our score of one through twelve. The Careers got the expected score of eight through ten. When Sean pops up, we all become very quiet. His name appears under his picture with our District number. A visible six pops up. We all release the breath we were holding. Six is good. Not a threat, but not weak. My lean face comes up next, with Autumn Sillens and a District 5 in clear silver. The Anthem plays on, and my score pops up: Five. Sean and I look at each other. We know that our scores were changed. The fire of the rebellion is clearly stated in our eyes.

Celeste is carrying on about how wonderful it is to have a score of five and six. Sean and I make awkward glances at each other, as our secret wants to control our vocal chords and sing its own dangerous anthem. Once Celeste is finished with her excitement, Sean and I excuse ourselves from the couch. Right in front of our doors, we make eye contact.

“Screw them over?” Sean whispers, ‘them’ is obviously meaning ‘the Capitol’.

 “Of course,” I reply, ending our conversation. We both go into our rooms, and I am quickly surrounded by the darkness and thickness of sleep.

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