Chapter Three: Myth

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Jungkook puts another bottle of cleaner onto the shelves of the grocery stores, his part time job outside of being a high school student, luckily he was in his senior year and would soon be done with it all.

The stupidity.

The children.

Yes, those peers of his are just mere children compared to him in all technicality, so it would sound weird if he were ever to voice any of his most intimate of his thoughts out loud. Not that he felt any prompt or reason too, most of the time he just liked watching people, and always had. People watching tended to be a nice passing of time and you learned a lot just from watching the small interactions that went on through the day.

A group of students walk by, ones from his own school, he recognizes the uniform.

He decides to listen in as they pass by his aisle, turning down the volume of his music.

The group of boys are joking around the isles, pretty much doing what young boys do, fooling around, their life ahead of them ready to take on the world. Not a fear in sight, their most recent endeavors.

Trying to figure out how to cheat on their next exam.

Even before fully awakening, he'd never jelled with the much younger boys, he wasn't interested in pretend fighting all that much, he'd much rather read a book out doors, and was much more content watching his friends having fun, as long as they were okay, thats all that mattered.

He was a protector and had always been.

"Oh, you outta be careful, if you don't the souls will come for you..." One of them teases as he has an arm slung around his friends shoulder, who maybe was contemplating on buying a snack or two from the isle.

The other scoffs. "Those are just myths, everyone knows that the souls don't exist. And if they do then I guess they'll just have to come help me right? That is their job after all."

The voices fade further into the store, but before they do Jungkook catches glimpses of their souls.

Dim, black spots appearing, however their souls aren't completely brand new, but not old enough to be considered like his, Jimin's and Namjoon's.

Their souls would maybe last another cycle or two, maybe, before completely disappearing.

He sighs, so that's what they were now, they'd been reduced to nothing but myth, not even a page written about them, but now only through spoken word and through bed time stories made to make sure that their children stayed in line.

There was a time when that was different.

But now, its how it had to be, it was better for everyone that way.

With a sigh, he turns his music back up, going back to stocking his shelves, he goes back to singing softly to himself.

Suddenly two arms wrap around him from behind him, obviously meant to startle him and it would have if he'd been a normal person, instead he smiles not taring his attention from his task.

"Hello, Taehyung." He greets.

Jungkook doesn't have to turn around to know that the older is pouting, Taehyung removes one of his best friends ear buds. "How do you always know?"

He places another bottle on the shelf and then he shrugs. "Maybe its because we've been around each other for so long."

Taehyung then grumbles something about one day being able to surprise him, that one day it was really going to happen.

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