Chapter Fourteen: Meet Me Halfway

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The familiar ring of the bell to the entrance to the bell of the cafe was of a familiar relief to Jimin's ear, he hadn't had the time lately to make his way over to the little shop. He'd been getting his coffee fix from the convince store around the corner from his apartment. And as usual he was late to their often usual gathering, he removes his hat from his head plopping down in the seat that was left open for him.

The inky looking liquid is already there waiting for him curtesy of Namjoon.

"Sorry I'm late." He takes a sip of the coffee. "Thank you, Joon." He smiles.

"No worries, you look a little under the weather. Are you okay?" Hoseok asks, the balancer leaning forwards ever so slightly to get a better look at the other's face.

"Yeah, though I think that I may be catching a bit of a cold, Yoongi was sick I was over constantly to make sure that he was getting rest and not up working." Jimin sniffles a bit. "And despite my best efforts I think that I may be catching his cold."

"Is there we can bring you?" Namjoon asks concerned, now looking at the other with more attentiveness.

Jimin smiles at the younger soul. "I'll be okay, Joon... thank you. I've already started to take medicine."

"Alright if you're sure... Just don't be stubborn and not let anyone know that you need help."

Jimin only nods taking a sip of his coffee again, his attention shifts to the rest of the table. "Hyung, where's Ren?"

The elder balancer slightly smiles at the mention of his mentee. "She's with Minseok-hyung, relearning the basics and refiling some of the old archives."

"What warranted that punishment?" Namjoon asks, arms folded on the table, a little amused smile on his lips. The balancer having told them many times that this was the punishment that his old mentor had given him on many occasion

"I caught her trying to look into the Tentoria more after I'd explicitly asked to her to stop, I think she was planning on confronting one of the members." Hoseok rubs his face tiredly. "I don't know what she thinks that she has to prove."

"You did the right thing, Hyung." Jimin assures. "It was foolish of her to try and do something like that alone, she should've at least come to us."

"Aye, don't promote dangerous behavior, I'm trying to have her be better than me."

Jimin shrugs, he was only trying to offer another solution, although he knew that he himself would've turned the young balancers over to her mentor. He was all for a little discovery and bending, or breaking the rules when he deemed it necessary, and that was only if you could handle it.

She wouldn't be able to handle the consequences of her actions.

"I think Jin and Taehyung our on to us." Jungkook suddenly blurts out across the table, they'd noticed that he had been quiet and anxious since he arrived. But they hadn't expected the sudden outburst from the normally level headed elder soul.

Namjoon lifts his head from the table, eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean on to us?"

"I've heard Taehyung having discussions, I thought at first that they were normal things about his paper. But having heard a few more discussions the questions are getting a lot more detail oriented."

"Maybe Taehyung is just doing-"

"No." Jungkook cuts off Jimin. "I heard their conversations, its too questioning just to be research..." the golden eyed soul looks up from the table. "Jin mentioned that he had seen someone's eyes glowing." His eyes flicker to Namjoon.

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