Chapter Seventeen: Awakening

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The bell rings through out the tiny cafe, signaling another arrival as he adjusts his hat and makes his way over to the table where five others are already gathered.

"Sorry I'm late!" The blonde states, taking the empty seat on the other side of Jin, Taehyung on the other side of the elder.

"Its alright, Yoongi-ssi, you still got here before Jimin." Hoseok replies with a smile, the chair between he and Yoongi open for the last person of their party.

Yoongi observed the other sitting at the table as a silence settled over them, what he noticed was that Jin and Namjoon weren't sitting next to each other as usual. in fact the man sitting beside Taehyung was looking anywhere but in Namjoon's general direction, his attention solely focused on the table in front of him.

Seokjin had been acting strange since that night, and Namjoon being the man he was respected that the elder needed space.

But to Yoongi it didn't make any sense, the elder had his suspicions proven exactly right, the mood change had caught everyone off guard as he had barely said a word when the trio had been escorted to their safe room. That night had been the most quiet he had ever witnessed when being around the two, they usually ended their hangouts in laughter.

He wasn't at all used to the sort of awkward silence.

Suddenly the space between he and Hoseok is filled with another shape as they plunk down in the chair, Jimin finally arriving with a slight huff, his cheeks red maybe from rushing to get here. The black haired man, runs a hand through his hair, making the strands fall the way he wanted.

"Sorry, they were holding me up at the clinic." He leans back against the seat.

Jungkook slides over his poison of choice, the coffee luckily not too warm from the amount of time. Jimin smiles at the other, taking a sip of the liquid; humming contentedly.

"God thats good." He says, after days of being stuck in the ward with no access to coffee and nothing but water and juice was all that he was allowed.

Okay, maybe he did have a bit of a problem.

Silence falls over the table, and Jimin never having been one for beating around the bush. decides to speak again first.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase, what are we looking at here, hyung?" Jimin looks to the balancer on his left, arm thrown on the back of his chair as always.

Jungkook at the moment appreciated, Jimin's directness when he was usually the one trying to restrain it, lest he say something that would get him or a combination of all of them in trouble.

The Balancer lets out a little chuckle, the only sign of the recent flurry of events were the slight dark circles under his eyes. "Right, you will have to present your case in front of the council, that is being set up within the next forty-eight hours." He sighs a little. "Xiumin-hyung is preparing for it as we speak."

The slightly good mood. Yoongi had arrived in, was a bit dampened at the reminder of the consequences of all that had transpired over the past week.

"Where does that leave us?" Jungkook questions, speaking for the first time since they had arrived there. "Are we... suspended?"

Yoongi could tell that the word was used to perhaps hide a darker fate, one even unknown to him, even Jimin's eyes shift over to the balancer while sipping his coffee.

"No." The elder answers simply.

But none of the older souls relax, they knew that this decision had only been made for the moment and could be turned over tomorrow.

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