Chapter 25

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6 Days Later

NightClaw's POV

It was a bit never wracking that someone that NightClaw cared about, was currently missing in a jungle full of things that could kill her. When she had first gone missing he had gone looking for awhile, in the process they had found Paya near death.

Thankfully she was now stabilized and in the medical bay being looked after by Gwan and the other doctors. She hadn't woken up yet so they didn't yet know what had quite happened to her.

He for now coming back from a hunt with Cetanu, the both of them hauling some buffalo shaped creatures though much smaller. These ones also went in packs though for protection and were herbivores who grazed on the grass patches they could get to. The two Yautja would enter the camp that slowly was turning into a home, it looked a lot better now.

Both of them would stop seeing a very enthusiastic Kirvan coming at them, and trailing him was a more unenthusiastic Lar'ja. "Cetanu! NightClaw! Guess what!" NightClaw clicked his mandibles, amused from behind his silver mask at the lou.

"What is it?" Cetanu inquired at the Yautja that was just beaming with excitement. "Lar'ja's taking me to train, I finally get to train with some of the Youngbloods!" NightClaw was surprised at what he had said. He would expect Dachande to not let his one lou train until he was older, though Kirvan did need a way to release his endless energy.

"Well that's good, you'll shape up to be a great warrior." NightClaw would reply to Kirvan and Cetanu nods with agreement. Cetanu wasn't much of a maternal Yautja, well actually none of the males had much of a maternal instinct. That job went to the females usually, well except Dachande as he had fathered Kirvan for a long time now.

Lar'ja looked at as briefly, as she was already being dragged around again by Kirvan. "Paya help me" he could hear her utter and he clicked his mandibles a few times. "I'm sure he'll be a joy to train." He said enthusiastically to his mei'jahdi and patted her shoulder. She glanced back at NightClaw and was going to say something but stops as someone else calls them out.

NightClaw looked at Gwan hearing his voice, "There you two are! I've been looking all over for you." He sternly said as he approached. Cetanu narrowed his eyes, "has something happened?" He demanded, NightClaw's first thought was if they had gotten any solid leads on Catherine. "I guess you could say that." He grunted crossing his arms, "Paya's awake, and she has quite the story."

Catherine's POV

She looked around the wooden hut, having a full plan of action to get out of here. Well.. not a full plan this was the best she could come up with, and it seemed to be a pretty crappy idea. Catherine rested her eyes lastly on the Yautja in front of her, the same one that had been in this hut for several days now.. which it felt like at least a week she had been here.

The Yautja hasn't spoken to her hardly since he had first lowered the chains on her, but still watched- creepily. Though now he had brought several skulls into the room and was polishing them, making them look very white and shiny. She would inhale slowly as she thought, he was one half of her plan if he chose to help.

Catherine would slowly sit up straight as she gripped her necklace in chain in one hand and looked at him. "Did you hunt those?" She asked trying to sound genuinely curious. Even though she knew he more then likely had, Yautja were like... sport hunters. He looked at her almost immediately after she spoke and puts the skulls down on the ground.

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