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"One, two three, Why Don't We! But wait... This is only the beginning!" the boys chanted as they did their handshake, waiting beside the stage.

Daniel took a deep breath and shook out his long limbs before heading onstage, hearing the crowd's cheers increase in volume. Jack made a silent prayer before following him. Zach and Jonah followed, assuming their line position for their first song.

Corbyn was the last to go onstage, so he hopped up on the edge. He heard a snap before a searing pain tore through his left ankle. He let out a grunt of pain, limping over to his position on the stage. The lights were down and the crowd was screaming, so he doubted anyone could see his pained expression as he assumed his pose for the first song.

He waited for the pain to subside as the lights continued flashing, but it didn't. Carefully, he tried to put some weight on his ankle and tears sprung to his eyes. He looked up from his pose for a second. This was bad. The pain was shooting through his legs, and he blinked back tears as he realized the song had started. I just have to make it through this set he thought to himself, taking a deep breath as he leaned on his right side.

Corbyn's solo was first, and he managed to sing his part. He felt his voice shaking every time he put even the littlest bit of weight on his ankle, and he sighed in relief when his solo ended, and the light panel behind him turned off. Daniel began singing his part.

Corbyn felt the heat rush to his face as he realized which song this was. At the end of the song, he was going to have to do some smooth stepping. A lot of it, actually. There were 24 counts where he was going to have to smooth step. And between sections, he'd have to switch positions with Jonah.

He tried one more time to put weight on his ankle and felt it collapse again. An audible groan came from his lips, but the crowd was screaming so loudly he doubted they'd noticed. He tried to shake it out, but just moving it made the pain return even harder.

Before he even knew it, Zach's second solo was about to end. This was it. He was going to have to do the smooth stepping.

"If you feel it, if you wanna dance, you gotta smooth step." the electronic voice boomed, and he found himself starting to smooth step. He closed his eyes and grimaced as the pain shot through his leg, clenching his fists as tightly as possible behind his back. He felt himself breathing shakily, tears falling down his face.

They had almost finished the first section of smooth stepping when he felt his ankle completely give out. He tried to save it, but ended up crumbling to a heap on the stage. The crowd's screams intensified and he tried his best to get back up. He realized he couldn't put any weight whatsoever on his left foot at all, and hopped back to his spot on one foot.

The first section of smooth stepping ended, and he had to switch places with Jonah. He hopped over when the lights went out, and took deep breaths, as deep as he could. The pain was so intense that he could barely breathe. It was taking everything in his willpower not to just let his right leg give out as well and just fall to the ground. The loud screams of the crowd piercing his skull only made it worse.

He prepared himself to start smooth stepping, but this time tried another approach. He tried doing it only on his right foot, trying to get his left foot to hover just slightly off the stage. He hoped it would make the illusion that he was smooth stepping normally.

His plan backfired, hard. As soon as he started he realized he could barely hold his balance. His torso was wobbling around the entire time, and a couple times his foot hit the floor and he felt the pain throbbing through his leg.

His right leg, too was getting tired and starting to tremble. He wasn't even sure he could keep doing it for the entire song. The muscles in the blond boy's right leg were burning, having to hold him up as he hopped and danced.

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