Sickness Chain

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For the first time in this story... a wild y/n appears in y/n's natural habitat! I usually don't write y/n type things, but this time it was part of the request and I'm excited to try something new!


"Just breathe." you heard Jack whispering to Zach, from where you were standing outside the bathroom. "It's okay,  let it out. You can do it, I know you can."

Zach's panting was fast and unsteady, like he was out of breath. You pressed your ear to the door, hearing Zach's moan. "I don't know if I can do it."

"Ssh." Jack said in response. "Just let it happen naturally. You can do it. We can do it, together."

There was a silence, and you were starting to become concerned. "Jack? Zach?" You called through the door. "How are you doing?"

"Not great." Jack called back through the door. "Zach's throwing up again."

There was another moan through the door, before Zach gagged again and you decided to stop listening in. Zach had been sick for a few days now, and there wasn't any sign of him getting better.

"I'll make him some food for when he's done." you called back.

"Thanks, y/n." Zach's pained voice responded.

You walked into the kitchen to see Daniel, Corbyn, and Jonah on their phones at the table. Daniel immediately looked up at you, his face melting into a smile. "Hey, y/n. How's he doing?"

You shook your head sadly. "Not great. He's still throwing up. I was going to make some soup for him to eat afterwards."

"I'll help you," Daniel offered, "my older brother is a great chef, and I've learned a bit from him."

Corbyn and Jonah snickered, Corbyn waggling his eyebrows at Daniel. "Ooh, you're going to help y/n, aren't you." he said in a singsongy voice. You smiled at him, albeit a little confused. The boys always liked to tease each other, but sometimes you didn't understand what was going on. It must be some sort of band telepathy that you hadn't yet figured out.

Daniel sent him a glare, before turning back to you with a smile on his face. "So, um, what type of soup were you thinking?"

You thought for a second. "Since Zach loves chicken tenders so much, maybe a chicken noodle soup with some carrots."

"Perfect, y/n!" Daniel declared. "So... I can, I can... cut the carrots, I guess."

Jonah laughed. "Daniel, why so nervous?"

Daniel's face was turning red. "Oh, shut up Jonah."

You laughed, not really sure of what was going on between the boys. "Okay, I'll start getting everything else ready."

The soup came together well, and you were almost finished when Jack and Zach came into the room, Zach taking a seat at the table and putting his head down. Corbyn gently patted his back.

Jack came towards you, looking at the soup as he slung an arm around your shoulders. In the corner of your eye, you could see Daniel stiffening slightly, his icy blue eyes casting glances in your direction.

Jack leaned in to your ear, his body pressing to your back. "So? How's my second-best friend?" He kept his face right beside yours, so you couldn't see him. But you knew there was that goofy grin on his face.

You rolled your eyes playfully, shoving him away from you. "I'm fine, just let me make the soup."

It was an ongoing joke that Zach was Jack's best friend, and you were his second-best friend, even though you'd known Jack since you were both in kindergarten. He still called you his second-best friend in front of Zach, but you knew he loved you both equally-- or at least, you convinced him to tell you that on recording. It's not like you had photo albums full of Jack's embarrassing naked baby pictures or goofy childhood videos as blackmail, though. You obviously wouldn't hold that against him.

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