Cancer, Pt. 4

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(There are 3 parts before this... check them out to make sure you know what's going on ☺)


Jonah's mother held one of his hands, holding it tight. She kissed it, pressing the limp hand to her chest. "Please be okay." she whispered, willing the tears not to spill from her eyes.

Jonah's father held the other hand, rubbing Jonah's knuckles gently.

He couldn't help thinking that this was it.

This was going to be his son's death.


The ambulance arrived at the hospital, and they got Jonah to a hospital bed almost immediately. They set up an IV drip and waited for Jonah to wake up as they checked his vitals and hospital records.

"Leukemia..." one nurse mentioned, frowning.

"Treatment ceased, illness still present." The other nurse glanced over at the young man on the bed.

They proceeded to do a couple tests while Jonah was still unconscious. But the news they gave to his family was the worst thing they could imagine.

"The cancer has significantly weakened him. His body is getting to the point where it's been working too hard for too long. There is a chance that this is it for him. If he doesn't wake up, we can put him on life support, but that's not going to get rid of the cancer."

His family went to Jonah's room and talked to his unconscious form, telling his how much they loved him-- trying to get ready to say goodbye. They didn't want to keep him on the life support if they knew he would only be in pain.

When they had nothing left to say, they let the band talk to him. "He might be our family by blood, but for the last few years you've been his family. You deserve a chance to talk to him." Jonah's father said.


The boys entered the room quietly, each taking a seat around the bed.

Jack stared at the older boy's face. "I think- I think we should all get our chance to say our last words to him. One-on-one."

"We should sing to him." Corbyn said. "Before the last words part. He dedicated his whole life to music, we should let him experience it one last time."

"That's not a bad idea." Zach noted. "We should sing a song for him."

Daniel looked down at the guitar on his shoulders, which he'd forgotten he was still carrying from the show. "Okay." He strummed it gently.

Corbyn sang first.

(A/n I know these aren't the actual What Am I lyrics, but I find it weird for anyone in this story [except Daniel] to be singing about how they're romantically involved with Jonah... It also cuts off early, I wasn't about to put Zach's verse in there 😂)

"I met you on a Friday evening,
We were singing at the same show that night,
And I said, hey man, where you been?
I've been looking for a person like you for all my life.

And you said, hola, talk to me,
Before I have to leave,
And one day, maybe we
We could be more than musicians just passing by."

Daniel took over the pre-chorus.

"Knew I was falling when I looked into your eyes,
You said, I know you are, but what am I?"

The boys harmonized the chorus together.

"Tell me, have you seen a sunset
Turn into a sunrise,
Sing right through the night?

I wish we tried that one time,
Hold you 'til the morning,
And if I said I'm falling,
Would you just reply
I know you are, but
What am I?"

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