Arc 1- Chapter 1: The Beginning

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                                         (I want too give a Quick Shout too Hana_Akira3 for the Awesome Book Cover! Check her out, she takes requests for them! Arigatou Friend!)

                                                                -Dante's Pov-

Darkness was all I could see, In the midst of that darkness...was my Uncle waiting for me to reach him but I could'nt, I tried running with all I had but it seems that the faster I run the farther the distance. God I hate this dream, I've been dreaming this crap for weeks now it doesn't make sense, My uncle's fine...everything should be fine...but why, why can't I reach them ?

It hurts me so much witnessing makes me realize maybe No matter how hard I Train, I can't Ascend. Am I losing him? The only Father I've ever Known. Back then I thought that I would get over it but I never could now I'm 16 and still all I want is to be strong enough. Strong enough to get There..

"Dante-...Up-.." This Mysterious Voice spoke to me, from within the Void. It's Familiar?

"Who The hell is that ?" I questioned outwardly, Was I Trying too call it out? No. Maybe thinking out loud; within a Dream. A sort of Inception perhaps.

"Dante!'s time to get up! You'll be Late!" The Voice spoke again, this time more Clearly; a Woman.

My ears perked up, as the Veil of Sleep uncovered about Halfway "Mom?.." I exclaimed suddenly realizing that the only voice I could possibly recognize so early; was my one and Only Mother.

"Wake up's time for breakfast!" She exclaims loudly, finally the Blanket of the Sandman uncovers; Exiting My Lucid Dream state and returning too Reality within an instant.

My eye's flutter open...I slowly sit up on my bed as the tiny bits of sunlight flows through the window's curtain....'Kami I hate morning's why can't everyday just be Night?''s much more peaceful for me...of course I was never a Morning person...'Oof! the Headache...I get these every morning now, its like a heartbeat in my brain...I thought i'd get use to this.

"Yeah! I'm coming now!" I Spoke up with my raspy unsullied voice; it gets like that after a Goodnights Rest 'Time for the Routine. Don't wanna keep them waiting..'

                                                        -Third Person Pov-

Dante gets up and heads for the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. Twenty one minutes later, Dante is in his normal attire consisting of black baggy cargo pants, Dark blue sleeveless Tactical sweater with leather accents that hold on their armor in place and weapon when not in use, Black Combat boots to match. he also wears body armor on the chest, right shoulder and weilds an extended Two-handed longsword. Dante is well-built about 5"10 in height. He has White spiky hair with black roots a tattoo of fire on his left shoulder and has Piercing blue eyes like the sky with pail but fair skin.

The young Knight exits his room and enters the kitchen sitting himself at the counter stool there his eyes catch a plate of bacon, eggs with waffles coated in syrup. looking up he see's his mother washing her plate already "I forgot how quick you can's insane ma.."

"Morning! The Sandman must have had you tucked today! you overslept again, this is the third time this week don't you think you should tell your Uncle about it. I'm sure he could have some sort of..weird Knight remedy or whatever" She spoke happily with a humming undertone, Angil is her Name a Variation of Angel. Long Blue hair down her back with matching Aqua Eyes; Despite her whopping Age of 40 she barely aged a day passed 30 some sort of Family Trait. A Truly Gentle and Kind Soul, being Raised in a small village will do that.

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