Chapter 26: New Dilemma..Lost but Found

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The unconscious Dante Kudo was being thrown into a prisoner carriage several kilometers from the destruction of the Aragoto Stronghold

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The unconscious Dante Kudo was being thrown into a prisoner carriage several kilometers from the destruction of the Aragoto Stronghold.. his wrists and ankles shackled together by crystalline shackles.. with several gemstones within.. despite Kira Narukami's pleads, there was nothing she could do but watch.. she had to stay behind to take of her comrade and superior Corporal Marika whom was currently still out cold.. "General Naemon! The Dyridium chains are unnecessary. With all due respect.. There is no evidence too-.."

"I suggest you keep your chatter of evidence to yourself... a human stronghold unsanctioned near our border explodes. Our Great Artifact utilized for such a thing... and a white haired knight having been reported as the thief by our scouts... the same scouts that are now dead! Men and woman who will no longer go home to their families.. and the same white haired boy. Right next to said scene.. now tell me. What exactly shall I believe? You.... Your clan may hold the title of most noble of Bushido. But that does not change my point of view. If you wish too appeal.. if you wish to debate by all means.. send someone willing to go into our politics. But I say this... if The Order acts out against this.. in any way. it. will mean War.." General Naemon spoke lowly turning toward Kira Narukami and her fallen friend halfway with a glare "If your superiors do no act and communicate within the next four day grace period... this... White haired Knight.. will be punished under the full weight of Elven Law!.." the entire unit of light Elves we're riding riding Gloriously white Hippogriffs, that matched their fantastical aesthetic of glory.. honor and superiority.. the carriage was also to be pulled by four of these amazing creatures, as Naemon saddles up onto his mythical beast.. "We will be taking our leave.. The Orb and The Knight is to come with us by Order of the Chancellor of Light!.. and. by. mine!.. come! It is time to go!.."

"General Naemon! If you leave now, at the very least you could do is here my words

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"General Naemon! If you leave now, at the very least you could do is here my words.. I was not part of this particular mission. But I pulled Knight Dante Kudo and my Superior Corporal Marika Albarea out of harms way! Why do you think that is? someone has fed you false information. You must think rationally?" Once again Kira Narukami's words fell on half deaf ears, as Naemon turned his head towards her pondering what she was saying, his silver hair practically floating before his Gem like eyes narrowed "An event taking place like this so very close to our borders, gives us the right of action.. by decree of the High Council. As I said Knight Narukami. if you wish for a debate.. The Order must communicate with haste. If your so sure of his innocence.. here. I will give you the courtesy of this.." placing his hand into the side bag of his ride, the General pulled out a Golden Scroll tossing it towards the young Blonde prodigy, His Hippogriff turned in another direction, towards North.. "that is a Scroll of Approval. My seal.. I officially invite your Director to send any diplomat she wishes. Four days.. Knight. That is all the grace period you have. Pray your Leader acts quickly. Men! Let us move.. The Yosaī expects our arrival" with a swing of the leather leash around the saddle, the Hippogriff screeched as its wings flapped and flapped causing the wind near its space to twist and turn before ascending into the air.. the prisoner carriage and the entire light elf unit following soon behind.. leaving Kira Narukami and Marika alberea behind as branches nearby cracked from the sound of steps being taken..

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