Turning The Tables

659 23 18

Things to remember
Y/N ~ Your Name
E/C ~ Eye Color
H/C ~ Hair Color
H/L ~ Hair Length
F/F ~Favorite Food
F/C ~ Favorite Color
F/A ~ Favorite Animal
F/AN ~ Favorite Anime
H/N ~ Hated Nickname
F/FL ~ Favorite Flower
F/D ~ Favorite Drink
I'll add more if I have too


"Oh my Irene! There she is!"
"You don't know? That's Y/N Valkrum."
"The Shadow Knight?"
"Yes, but also a monster! I heard that she can fly 200 feet into the air."

I turn around.
"No, not really. Run along freshmeat!"
They turn pale and stare at me with big eyes.

"Do you need an escort? Get lost!" Sasha walks up behind me with Zenix and they run.
"Thanks." I keep walking and they follow.
We get to lunch and sit down at our usual table, Gene is there with Odyssey.
"Jeez, are all of my friends dating each other?" Odyssey hides her face a little.
I scoff and poke at my food.

I'm not hungry.

"Why aren't you eating?" Zenix asks, worried. I look up to give him a snarky remark, but everyone at the table is just staring at me.
"Uh, is there something on my face?" I brush my face.

"No, there's nothing. It's just ever since the whole thing with Rima last Friday, you've been acting different all weekend. Are you sure you're ok?" Pearly - I mean Odyssey asks.
I have to get used to calling her by her name now.
"I'm fine, I'm just not hungry." I push my tray away and Gene sighs.
"Can we talk about something else please!" I break the silence at the table. Sasha starts talking about how she got some new spray paints and left some for me in my locker. Zenix blushes about the movie he and Sasha saw yesterday. Odyssey plays with her purple aura ball around her fingers and Gene talks about how much he hates Alpha Male.

"Look who it is! The monster who tried to kill me!" Leggy walks up to the table with Ivy and her horrendous Chic Squad. This should be greaaaaat.

"What do you want Rima?" Zenix sighs. Leggy looks surprised.
"Oh! Look who's talking! It's Sasha's girlfriend!" They all laugh. Sasha bites her tongue as Gene holds up his hand to her.
"Go away." I say before Gene can. She looks at me and Ivy laughs.
"Go away? Yeah, no." Leggy sasses.
I stand up and and a hand grabs my arm. Sasha tries to pull me back down, but I resist.

"Can we just go Rima? I'm bored with these losers." Ivy scoffs.
I look back at Sasha, who is staring at me to let it go.
"She's bored, I'll give her a show." I pull my arm out of her grip and stand up on the table.

"YO! LOSERS OF PHOENIX DROP HIGH!" I yell and everyone turns to me and goes silent.
"According to the blond over here, I'm the Monster of Phoenix Drop High! I'm a Shadow Knight! The stupid blond bimbo here is the monster! She black mailed Aphmau, she used Gene to get more popular and she pushed guy freshman into the girls senior locker room! So I think you've got the wrong monster, because she's right there, with her side kick Ivy." I jump back down off the table and make direct eye contact with Leggy.
"And her boobs are fake." I pull out a few tissues from my pocket quick enough to them look like they were in here bra. Gasps go all around and I throw the tissues in her face. She runs out, crying, people laughing at her as she does.

I sit back down and Sasha laughs.
"Nice job, I don't know why I doubt you."
I roll my eyes and laugh.
"I don't know why you do either."
We eat our lunch and the bell rings. Sasha, Zenix and Odyssey walk ahead to the bleachers and I stay behind and wait for Gene.

"Hey." I wave and she smirks.
"Hi, I though we were being civil." He chuckles.
"Yeah and I thought Odyssey was just a friend of yours." I hit his arm and we start walking.
"And she's your cousin?" He reminds me.


"Don't remind me, I'm still trying to figure all that out myself." I shake my head.
"So, Shadow Knights?" He puts out his hand for me to shake. I hesitate.
"Only on one condition." I fold my arms and he nods.
"You keep your promises about taking care of Travis."
Gene pauses.
"I promise." He puts his hand out again and I take it this time and shake it.

Ok! Yes! I know this is a day late!
And yes! I know I haven't updated in awhile!
And yes! I'm fully aware that this chapter was short!

I've been stressed with school and life and I just haven't had motivation or time to write.

I'll hopefully be updating regularly, but as of now I'll be trying for most Saturdays.

Alright it's 12:15 am and I'm tired.

Hope you guys like the chapter and I'll see you guys next Saturday hopefully.


Love, Kitty 💜

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